Chapter 22

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'I love you' ran through my head over ad over
Connor said he loves me what do I do
I can't say I love you too
I look up at Connor
"Too soon..?"
I nodded "im just not sure about it all yet"
"I understand" he says smiling small
I stop dancing and pull away from him
"How could you understand?" I asked kind of harsh
"I've been through something like this I with one person while I fell for another" he pauses "but they're both gone now.." he said sadly
"I'm sorry Connor" I say regretting my harsh tone from earlier
"It's ok I'm over them now and I'm falling for someone else" he says and takes my hand
I look down as we hold hands and I smile
"It's nice to feel like this" I say
He looks confused for a second
"You've never felt this with Harry?" he asks
"We've never had a moment together" I say "the only really true moment where I felt fully in love with him was when he kissed me for the first time" I say the memories coming back to me
"You still love him don't you?" he asks
"Of course I do how could I not.. its just I feel something different with you it feels.. safer.."
He smiles "that's good you feel safe cause you are 100% safe I won't let anyone hurt you ever even if you loved me or not your safe"
I smiled back at him feeling my cheeks burn a bit
"Thanks" I say almost in a whisper
"Your welcome" he smiles bigger
A sudden yawn escapes my lips
He chuckles "lets get you to bed beautiful"
He continues to hold my hand and leads me to my room
He tucks me in and kisses my forehead then quietly leaves me to sleep
"Sam... sam" Harry whispers
"Leave me alone" I groan
"Sam.. Sam wake up" he whispers louder like he's warning me of something
"Some wake up they're coming hurry Sam get up" he says
I just moan and toss around facing the other way in bed
"Sam wake up!!!" he shouts
I gasp and sit up in darkness
I whipped the sweat from my forehead away even though I was freezing
What the hell was that
Harry was talking me warning me
But it was just a dream it wasn't real no one was coming
I tired to relax and go back to sleep but I couldn't my senses were on edge and I was so tense
I decided to go find Connor
I tip toe to his room and quietly open the door and close it behind me
I slowly and quietly go up to his bed side
"C- connor?" I say nervously
He does nothing
I nudge his shoulder gently "Connor?" I asked louder
"Mm?" I says tiredly not annoyed at all jut tired
"I had a weird dream and can't relax could I sleep with you?" I ask in a whisper
His eyes open a little and focus
"Yes of course" he lifts the blanket and scoots back a bit
I slide in next to him and wrap my arms around his torso pressing my face gently to his chest
"Are you ok? you're sweating and freezing cold" he says
I shiver a bit saying nothing an just hugging him tighter he pulls the blanket up a bit more and rubs my back gently
"Just sleep beautiful just sleep" he hushes me
I smile at the nice comfort his scent, warmth, voice, and touch
I sighed
It made everything feel better
I finally relaxed and slowly drifted back to sleep as Connor continued to rub my back
Just as I was about to fall fully asleep there was a loud bang
I jump and Connor holds me tightly in his arms and gasps
"Shh don't move"
He says in my mind
Something stated to glow
I looked down at my cross necklace
Shit it's glowing
"They're here!"
Harry says
There was another bang and growls
Glass breaking and shouting from outside
"What's going on?!" I ask
"Someone's here" he says
Suddenly a big black wolf with glowing red eyes bursts through the door
Connor jumps up and changes
"Who the hell are you?!" He growls
"Your worst nightmare!" the wolf growls and lunges at Connor tackling him to the ground
I quickly jump to my feet and change to my wolf form tackling the wolf off of Connor and through the wall to the next bedroom
I pinned him down as he tried to reach up to bite and scratch me
I look up
Suddenly the black wolf lunges up and bites my neck pinning me to the ground crushing my chest
I whine and growl at him my eyes and cross necklace burning bright
"GET OFF HER HUNTER!" Lydia barks and tackles the wolf who's named Hunter
I gasp for air as Connor also goes after Hunter
"Sam! Sam!"
I turn around and see Lia shouting for me
I get up as run to her ignoring the pain my back ad chest was in
"Are you ok?" she asks she was also in wolf form
Her fur was a light blond and her eyes glowing red
"I'm fine what the hell is going on why is Lydia here?!" I shouted over the loud noises of every wolf in sight fighting another black wolf just tackled Tyler into the coffee table shattering it into millions of pieces
"I'm not sure your pack was outside before this other alpha pack attacked us they're all black furred which is weird and by the way.." se stops for a second ".. Harry isn't here" she says
"Where is he?" I ask
"I don't know but he's not here" she sighs
"Well we can't just stand here" I say
She smirks "then lets kick some bad alpha ass"

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