Scene 7- Let's go Captain Blue!

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Cloudbase, nighttime. Captains Scarlet and Blue is sat by the main control desk of Colonel White. He holds the photos with the Mysteron x-ray images. The Colonel listens carefully, somehow not convinced.

Colonel White:

I see. So the Mysterons have found a way to find this rose via this portal. A hard story to believe, Captain Scarlet. And how do we know that we can get back?

Captain Scarlet:

The old woman promised me. She wants to protect the rose from the Mysterons just as much as we do. She wanted me to return and bring back with more forces. We need to get back there right now Colonel!

Colonel White:

S.I.G. Captain Blue, you go with him.

Captain Blue:

Yes sir, Colonel.

Captain Scarlet:

Let's go Captain Blue.

Captain Blue:

S.I.G Captain Scarlet!

Colonel White:

Lieutenant Green, put the Angels on standby.

Captains Scarlet and Blue are ready in the SPJ, preparing to takeoff. They wheel out again, zooming out into the mysterious night.

Lieutenant Green:

Proceed at speed ultimate Captain.

Captain Scarlet:

Yes Lieutenant, proceeding at speed ultimate, 1,125 mph.

Colonel White:

Lieutenant, launch all angels.

Lieutenant Green:

Angels 1, 2 and 3, immediate launch!



POW! Her first craft fires off, zooming off the deck. Symphony and Rhapsody are lifted up to the next two interceptors. Once lifted up, their engines begin to activate. POW! POW! They zoom off simultaneously. The SPJ accelerates to France, Captain Scarlet begins to explain.

Colonel White:

The Angels will be with you shortly.

Captain Blue:

S.I.G. Alright Paul, what's this all about?

Captain Scarlet:

Inside the portal, I travelled back to 1740.

Captain Blue:


Captain Scarlet:

It was the old woman. She let me pass through. She knew that somehow the Mysterons found this gem, and they sent me in to tell me about it. I saw Captain Black in there Adam. But he got away.

Captain Blue:

And now that we know the Mysterons are around and the score of the situation she sent you back to stop them.

Captain Scarlet:

Exactly that Captain Blue. I do have one contact in the village, her name is Belle. She should hopefully have something.

Captain Blue:

Good thing we have the Mysteron detector with us. But where exactly is the rose?

Captain Scarlet:

That is something we must find before the Mysterons get to it.


Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons: Beauty Vs the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now