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When Alex was trying to be intimidating

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When Alex was trying to be intimidating... he was failing at it. He doesn't realize how dangerous I truly am. I can literally take out his whole family. Even Zoli as well. No offense but she may be my child but I don't view her as such. To me she's leverage to get to Alex. Sorry not sorry.

Letting Alex think he won this conversation I got up smiled and walked out. I want him to think I'm afraid of him but I'm not. I was t afraid of his punk ass father and I won't be afraid of him. That whole family is a bunch of pussies.

My dad was coming into town soon. Hence why I invited Zoli and Alex to that made up family Reunion. It was just a meeting with my dad and Alex. He feels that he owes Alex a specialized visit.

But I guess Alex caught on. He was smarter than I thought. Little does he know the whole meeting between Zoli and Alex was a set up. My family for years was trying to pick a perfect time to take Alex out. We needed to take over territory and with him being alive we couldn't do it.

I was in contact with Tiffany the whole entire time. Did I know she was an addict who was not got to raise a child? Yes. Zoli was tainted. I didn't want that emotional mess back. I had three perfect children at home. Didn't need Zoli to disturb that. When Tiffany told me Zoli skipped town and went to Minnesota I knew I had to think fast.

Knowing Zoli would need a job I made a few phone calls. She got the diner job and guess who she met and memorized? Alex!. I didn't think that would've worked so quickly. I had her boss keep me updated on how things were going with them.

Then when he told me she left early to go to Vegas to get married I was elated, Not for their happiness but because my plan was working. It's the type of family I'm from. I don't show emotion.

Remember chad? Well he was always on the opposite side. But he knew too much. Michelle was my fathers other daughter. I had her come and try to shake things up. But Zoli stopped that. I have to remember Zoli is apart of me so she's a fighter.

Once that situation didn't end well I took a long break. That's when I pretended to wa t to be apart of Alex's business. When I first met him he didn't even know who I was. I was shocked. Playing along I knew he would put two and two together and Zoli met me. And our connection was instant.

Playing the waiting game while Zoli thinks I could be her mother. Too bad Tiffany overdosed on some drugs I supplied to her. She should know doing a speedball is deadly. What a waste of life!.

Once Zoli sneaked a DNA test I had to fake the motherly role. Taking her in and just being that mother she always wanted. Seeing how happy she was, was making me miserable.

That's when I brought in Candace. I knew that would get Zoli on my side. It was working too. Of course I had to play the role so I had to rough Candace up. She understood what was at stakes here. Now Leo who swears I'm dumb... I know he's chads brother but of course I played along. Knowing he was eyeing Zoli I went with it hoping Alex would just leave her alone for once.

But as always that didn't last long. Now Zoli won't take my calls or even see me. I know she knows. Alex wouldn't keep this from her. I'm trying my hardest to do this without hurting Zoli. But she's in my way.

Once my dad comes to town he will tell me how to handle this.

[short update]...

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