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I was in complete shock. My son literally shot this woman in the head. We were on the way to my mothers house to pick up jade and the others. "Hunter? Didn't I say stay in the car?" Zoli asked.

"Yeah but I knew you both were in trouble!" He said.

"Damn He has a better shot than me" I mumbled.

Zoli glanced at me "alex, not now. Wait? How did you know where I had the gun?".

"Mom, you have this habit of not being secretive. That time I was looking for a pencil and you told me to look in the glove box. I saw it there".

"Damn that's right" she said. Zoli never kept anything from our children. "But still you could've gotten hurt!" She said. We pulled up to my mothers house and I just watched hunter. Where did he learn to shoot like that?. "Alex stop thinking about how your son has a better shot than you!".

Opening the door jade ran to hunter hugging him. "Hunter you're back!" He pulled back and raised his brow "you're being too nice!".

"Stop it silly. I'm a woman now so I guess I won't be that mean to you anymore" jade said.

"Lord, she has her period for the first time and she thinks she's a woman" Zoli mumbled. My mom walked up to us "the twins are sleeping".

"Well I don't want to wake them. So how about you kids sleep here and tomorrow we will back here to get you all" I said.

Zoli glanced at me and nodded "yeah sounds good". Jade and hunter disappeared into the back of the house. "Jade told me how hunter was missing".

"Yeah he was but we found him" I said.

"Look I don't want to interfere. But it's getting dangerous now when it's coming for your children. Maybe you both should step back and lay low for a while" my mom said.

Zoli and I didn't even respond. But maybe my mom was right. If it came for hunter it will eventually come for the rest of our children. "Well we are going to go home" Zoli said. My mother hugged us both "please be watchful".

"Watchful? Hunter can handle himself" I said. Zoli nudged me "let's go". We left my mothers house and went home. When we got there it was silent. Zoli plopped down on the couch "now that was tiring".

"You know just thinking I think we took out most of our enemies. Which means we can now enjoy our lives" I said.

Zoli smiled "feels good doesn't it?".

I nodded "you know I can't wait to move into our new home. And to just enjoy our years we have
together until the kids grow up and cause us stress".

Zoli stretches "I'm going to go shower and then I'm coming down to eat something cause I'm hungry". While she went upstairs I lit the candles and ordered food. By the time she came back down she gasped "how in the world did you do all this in the short time?".

"Never underestimate me, sweetheart" I smiled. She walked to her chair and pulled it out "take a seat". Pushing her in I walked over to my side. "This is... beautiful". Opening the wine "I guess I'm pumping this milk out".

"Damn sorry I forgot! We could always drink something else" I said.

"You already opened the wine so might as well drink it" she said. Pouring some into her glass. "Let's toast" I said.

"To what?" She asked.

"How about... family, health, and no worries?" I asked. She nodded "sounds good to me". We clinked glasses and took a sip. With all our children safe and out of harms way we had to celebrate. Zoli lifted her cover off her plate and smiled "you always know what to feed me!".

"You're my wife, of course I know what you like" I said. She took the first bite and her dance started. "Somethings will never change" I mumbled. The table was silent. We were just going into our dishes.

"That was very good! And it hit the spot too" she said.

"Amongst other things that will happen tonight" I smirked.

"I must say...throughout the years you never changed the sexual commentary" she said.

"And why would I? I know you love it" I said. She got up and helped me clean off the table and wash the dishes. "We been through a lot... but we always come out stronger than before".

"I'm still in shock just hours before our son shot someone" she said.

"You? It never occurred to me our son has a better shot than me" I joked.

"Well he gets it from someone" she said.

"True, very true. But there's one shot I'm very good at" wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her towards me. "What are you doing?".

"I'm trying to seduce you" I smiled.

"Well... sorry to burst your bubble but my monthly friend is here and she's staying for five days" she said. My whole mood just went down "is it heavy or light?".

She playfully pushed me "Don't worry cause nothing is happening".

Letting her go I walked away "where are you going?".

"To take a cold shower! Since you can't help me" I said.

"You should've asked before assuming" she said. Grunting cause I was really hoping to get some action tonight. That was the whole point of not having the kids here!.

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