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[a month and a half later...]

"Can't you just let Caleb come out when he's ready? Alex watched me jump on the giant ball I bought. "No, he's almost a week past his due date. I'm uncomfortable. And I refuse getting a C-Section again" He sighed "just give him one more day".

"Nope, he's coming out today". Before I read up online how to start labor. Never had to ever do this with the other ones. So I can already tell Caleb is going to be a stubborn one. The twins must've saw how fun the ball was cause they were coming for it "no, let mommy jump! I'm trying to get your brother out". That didn't work. They ganged up on me. Sucking my teeth I went to my list. I needed Alex's help.

"Alex!" I yelled.

He walked into the living room "What's up?.

"I need you to massage my ankles for me" I said.

"Are they swollen?" He asked.

"Why so many questions?!" I whined. He sat down on the couch with my feet on his lap. Showing him where to massage. Hoping this would do the job. But as he was slowly massage my ankles nothing was happening. "Oh come on!".

"I'm trying to massage where you said" he said.

"Oh no not you. Never-mind!" I got up and went upstairs. Alex must be confused on what just happened. But he doesn't understand how uncomfortable I feel. This baby needs to drop tonight the latest.

Now I needed something spicy. I hate spicy foods. Maybe if I just drink a little hot sauce that'll do the job. Making my way to the fridge. Of course we don't have any hot sauce. Does black pepper count?. I couldn't do that it'll taste nasty.

Hearing a blood curling scream from upstairs. I didn't pay mind to it cause it was probably hunter scaring Jade. "Mommy!!!" Jade yelled.

"What?" I yelled back.

"I'm dying!!" She yelled. Here we go!. I went to see what's the problem. Jade was in the bathroom just in shock. "Why are you dying?" I asked. She looked around first "I'm bleeding!".

Looking at her I couldn't see any visible cuts "I don't see any blood".

"Down there!" She whispered. Having a delayed moment... "oh wow! Oh my gawd!" My eyes teared up. She looked at me confused. "Oh no please don't cry cause I'm dying".

"Jade your not dying. You just got your first period" I said.

"Huh? A what?" She asked.

"It's a process into womanhood. Now you can have babies. Not that you would cause I will lace your ass up!. But you're a young woman now. I can't do this today. I'm about to cry" I said.

She smiled "I'm a woman now". Lord what did I just do. I guess from all the emotions and excitement the gush of water leaked on the floor. "Mommy your leaking, ew!". Looking down I smiled "no it's your brother taking your shine away. You siblings". Taking my time before going to the hospital.

"Don't you think we should be on the way to the hospital?" Alex asked.

"I feel fine. No pressure. Relax. But I can't believe jade got her period!".

"That's scary. She's a woman now. Which means mood swings and attitude. And that's more than normal" he said.

"She's growing up! Next thing you know she'll be going out on dates" I said.

"Not in this house" Alex said. Shaking my head cause that was a typical Alex answer. I took a shower and did a little cleaning. "Now we can go". On the way there the contractions were painful and coming every two minutes. Alex looked a little nervous "Caleb better relax and wait until we reach the hospital".

"I don't know if he will" I tried the breathing method but this kid wanted out. "Alex I think you'll have to deliver Caleb!". He glanced at me "that's what the doctors are for".

"No! We won't make it! He's already pushing down there" I said.

"Dammit this is why I said let's go to the hospital three hours ago" he parked the car. "He's there" I said. Alex lifted up my dress and gasped "his head is out!".

"Good! So just gently take him out as I push!" I said. Between the sounds and Alex's face expression I couldn't stop laughing. "What's so funny?".

"Nothing, I'm pushing one last time. That should get him out" that's what I did. Alex grabbed him gently "he's here!". I smiled when the smallest cry echoed in the car. "You did good dad" I said.

"Me? You did amazing coaching me and pushing him out" he said.

"Well after four kids I'm a pro! But let's get to the hospital so Caleb can get checked out" I said. Alex handed me the baby as he confined to drive. "He looks so much like you. So white".

"Looks like me but acts like you. I've seen it in hunter" he said. As we made it to the hospital we were greeted by nurses. They wheeled me in and took Caleb.

First our daughter gets her period and now our baby was born in our car. What a damn day!

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