2 the chase

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We were on our third day of traveling the night before we camped out in the desert with huge tents it was early that morning when I wonder down to the Well with a bucket and filled it and carried it over to the horses we rode yesterday and the day before. I was petting the pretty mare I rode yesterday she was a light brown Arabian horse I picked up a bucket to offer her some water. Ben walked from camp to join me.

"You like the horses?" Ben asked

"I grew up in the part of the United States that horses are a big part of the economy they use them on ranches tending to the beef cattle or there are rodeos. I didn't like them at first my mothers husband was a ranch hand so I became familiar caring for them."

"You are quite beautiful" Ben said putting his hand on my cheek

I heard them before I seen them. "What is going on?!" I asked looking towards the camp.
Men yelling is what I heard then I heard Omar yelling about everyone coming to the center of camp Ben grab my hand and we took off running that way when I see what the noise was all about. There was a group of men at least 20 of them some had swords drawn they were riding around the Omar and the group. Ben stopped I was right behind him he was blocking the view I peaked around him to see what was going to happening but right then one of the men on horse back stabbed his sword into it looked like Josh or maybe it was Aaron. I pulled Ben arm towards the horses went ook off tuning back to the horses.

"Woman at horses!" A man voiced yelled

I knew who exactly they who talking about....ME

Ben grab the rains of the mare I was petting and I jumped up on to her back I reached my arm out for Ben but he let go of the rains and hit my horses butt "go run Bella go!" He yelled I took one more look at him and turned my horse running out towards the opening desert I kicked the mare to run I was so thanking those horse lessons my step father forced me to learn. I looked back over my shoulder to see three men riding their horses after me. Maybe if I made into the brush on the other side of the sand dune I could lose them.

"Come on girl" I whispered as I was getting closer to the bottom of the sand dune I looked back to see one had caught of close I was half way up the dune when I looked back to see his horse was right being me. I crested over the top and was on my way down when I felt a hand on my arm I pulled away almost losing my balance.

Suddenly I wasn't on my horse anymore I was tumbling in the sand down the hill. I stopped rolling I quickly got to my feet to start running I knew I couldn't out run a horse but I could try but only to have arms wrap around my waist I kicked and screamed. I heard laughing I looked to the top of the hill to see two guys laughing.

"Altair brother you not fair" one of them yelled

"lkna thaman almar'at lafm mamlu' bialrimal" the other said laughing

"I still have woman though" the guy behind me said he let out a whistle and his horse cane running over. He pulled a rope from the saddle and tied my hands together then picked me up and put me over his horses back like a sack of potatoes I squirm and was kicking my feet.

"Stop or I'll tie ur feet to" he said he jumped on the the horses and yelled something to the guys about a camp

I knew I should have paid more attention in class maybe I'd actually know what they are talking about. The horse started to walk it felt like forever it was starting to get really hot.

"Behave woman otherwise bad things come" he said I seen a camp coming into view it had at least 15 large tents and 20 smaller tents there were several people next to a large group of horses and camels together. he stoped and moved me so I was sitting in front of him my legs of to the one side his arms on each side holding the rains.

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