3 Desert Life

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Night came quickly I was sitting with my back to the rock Altair was trying to teach me how to speak and know more of the language

"zawja" Altair said "that is what you are Altair zawja"

"What dose zawja exactly translate to?" I asked

"Property" He said smiling

I threw sand at him he laughed but quickly stopped when I said "is that all Women are to men" he got a serious face

"No they are what men cherish even though we can have many women" he said "my mother was my fathers only wife after she died in my youngest brother birth father never remarried he miss my mother he see my mother in my sisters"

"How many siblings do you have?" I asked

"I'm the oldest then I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters. What is your family like?"

"I never knew my father he left as soon and my mother told him she was pregnant but I guess he's from this region I thought about finding him" I said

"He can't be from here men don't leave their woman and children" he said you could see anger in his face

"Some do" I said

"Your mother?" He asked

"She married a cowboy he's a nice guy he help pay for my college but I think that's to repay for the pain I took at home" I said Altair looked confused "I had to work so I never had a real life like most children I was always on the ranch working up until I left for college the ranchers son was quite cruel at times."

"Your college educated what is your major?" He asked

"Teaching kids" I said

"Education my sister is in Harvard learning to be biomedical engineering" he said

"So How dose a sibling of a Harvard kid relate to a man that is in a kidnapping tribe?" I asked

"Go to sleep now" he said it sounded like he was mad

I laid down and looked at then fire and drifted off asleep.

"Altair!" A boy yelled I went to sit up by a arm restricted me to move I looked over to see it was Altair arm he was laying next to me sleeping there was a blanket over us. "Altair!"

"Altair wake up a child is calling you" I said shaking his shoulder he slowly opened his eyes

"Stay here don't make a noise" he said getting up and disappeared into the brush the sun was just rising. It was cold I wrapped the blanket tighter around me.

"Yes Fatin I found her we will leave soon" Altair said leading two camels the young boy from the tent lead another camel.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"The tribe they have moved so we have to catch up" he said helping me stand up he kicked sand on to the fire then helped me up on to the horse he rode yesterday which I recognize the horse being the mare I rode trying to get away from him. He walked over and help the boy up on to one of the camels then tied the other camels to the boys saddle the boy started riding off. Altair got on his horse and my mare followed after him. We rode most of the day it was hot in the afternoon when we finally caught up with the tribe several other men cane over to help put up the tent I had both horses at the watering hole.

"Desert beauty" a voice said I seen a man close by he had a camel with him I ignored him and was petting Altair stallion.

"zawja" Altair said approaching he had his back to the guy he whispered to me "at loving"

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