11. Louis.

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I was walking down the railway, leading to the subway. It was dark, so dark that I could barely see past my own feet. Zayn had implemented an earplug to be able to track my every move, give me instructions when needed, but none of the familiar voices were there. It was either a technician or an engineer who knew the railway by heart. It was odd, how they managed to keep Louis, away, but I didn’t put much thought into it. He was probably still mad I decided to go on my own, while the rest of them had every right to not want to take part in this. I had put them through enough the last few days, when they had nothing to do with it. This was my wife, and my fault for endangering her.

Anxiety was arousing within me at the thought of being so close to Gypsy.

What if they had done something to her?

What if she was hurt?

What if she decided that I couldn’t keep her safe, that I wasn’t worthy of her, and decided to leave me?

What if I couldn’t get her out on time?

The excruciating thoughts were endless, but there was one thing I knew for sure; that I was to save her, at all costs. The subway came into view, I could see men, not masked, but all dressed in black, walking amongst the sea of frightened passengers. Occasionally, they’d point a gun towards someone, or even ruthlessly hit them, with a wide, satisfactory grin on their faces. I felt sick to my stomach, thinking of Gypsy being around those people, unarmed, alone, and pregnant.

“ I’m going in.” I whispered into my microphone, taking cautious steps on the railway, careful not to stir any of the stones, as to not make any noise, indicating my unwelcomed presence. I slowly approached the subway, my frantic eyes searching for Gypsy’s familiar face.

And that was when I saw her.  

Sitting on a chair, her head resting against the window, her eyes closed, and pain imprinted on all her sad features. Both her hands laid on her stomach, circling around the baby that I could only now see, growing in her stomach. A little boy jumped onto her lap, and she laughed, pointing an accusing finger, between her protruding tummy, and him, before he nodded in understanding. She smiled down upon him, kissing his head, before hitting his bum, urging him to go back to his mum. And I was reminded of all I had ever loved about Gypsy; how courageous, selfless, and bright, she always felt the urge to be. For a minute, I was drowning into the sight of her, ever so scared, yet, absolutely beautiful. Until, one of the men, approached her, his hands sliding down her hair, to her shoulder, before she shoved him away, only for him to capture her by the hair, bringing her face to is. Her features were twisted in disgust, tears threatening to slide down her face, but not quite yet. She roughly pushed him away, wrapping her arms around herself, as he brought the gun to her face. Before my mind had the time to think this through, my legs were reacting to the agonizing sight ahead, rushing towards the subway. As I got closer to my destination, chaos took over the scenery. Men were suddenly being shot to the ground, passengers screaming, hiding away from the shooting. Horror settled in the atmosphere, as I urged my legs to hurry and not give out on me just yet, and that was when I saw four, familiar, figures, fighting off the kidnappers. My trembling legs ran as fast as they possibly could, as I cursed under my breath. I saw Louis, beating the kidnappers up, always keeping his gun as a last resort. He had no way of noticing the man coming up behind him, and all too soon, I heard a booming shot, before a series of screamed “abort!”.

This could only mean one thing.

Louis was slowly collapsing to the ground, while the panicked Zayn tried to keep the attackers away from him and the rest of the team. The back door which I was attempting to open, was kicked out, as Zayn came out, followed by Liam and Niall, but something was missing, or rather, someone.

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