18. "Love her."

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Zayn sat himself down beside me, both our legs dangling from the top of the roof, our breath coming out as smoky clouds due to the coldness of the night.

“ Fuck, that’s high.” He exclaimed, diverting his eyes from the faraway streets, to the dull sky. Silence settled in around us, Zayn, finding nothing to say, myself, being too tired to.

“ You’re exhausting, Harry, you know that? I mean, I should be pissed at you for putting yourself out there like that, I should be beating some sense into you, but, I guess, at the end of the day, I would have done the same. For Ash, I mean.” He sighed, shaking his head, the way he usually did when his thoughts were too loud for him to be able to speak through them.

“ I think I can finally confess that I have nothing to say to make this better, Harry. Nothing, at all. I don’t know how to fix this. I don’t know how to undo it. Shit is usually so easy to handle, because it’s never hit this close to home. And now that it has, I just, I don’t know. I will promise you this though, we’ll get this fucker, and Gypsy is going to be okay. You’ll get her back. We’ll get her back for you.” Allowing my mind to absorb the uncertainty of this promise, rather than having to face the cruelty of reality, I nodded. His shoulder brushed against my own, before he pulled me into a side hug.

“ Holy shit, this is really high. I have a problem with heights, Styles, and if I fall off, you’ll have a shitload of paperwork to do.” I couldn’t help but laugh at his attempt to arouse any reaction from my side, as he rose to his feet, smiling proudly, before giving me his hand, pulling me up to his side. He then wrapped me into a hug, patting my back in what seemed like consolation.

“ We’ll get her back, everything will be fine.” He whispered. I nodded against his shoulder, before he pulled away, giving me another rare smile, before leading the way back to Louis’ room. As we walked down the familiar hallways, I attempted to rid myself of the weakness taking over me, absorbing every last drop of composure I had within me. I just had to push through all of this, till we got her back, and then everything would be okay again. She’d be here and I’d fix her. I’d hold her and piece her back together. I’d shower her with kisses and she wouldn’t feel as empty anymore. I’d love her and it’d be enough. We entered Louis’ room, and all eyes immediately turned towards me.

“ Don’t look at him like that, he’s fine, right, Harry?” Zayn turned towards me, with a hesitant smile, as I nodded again, giving them a thumbs up, not in full control of my voice yet.

“ Okay, so, we need to form a proper team. We need at least, 10 more people. We need to do something to those cameras, because vision is crucial this time. We have at most, 24 hours from now. We need to get this shit together and do it, before something else happens.” Niall urgently spoke, his eyes moving between Liam and Zayn mostly, as they nodded in agreement.

“ Can you boys take this outside? I need to have a word with Harry.” Louis questioned, his firm eyes locking with my own, his features emotionless, unexpressive. The boys obliged, leaving me behind, closing the door behind them. I warily walked towards Louis’ bed, sitting myself down on the empty chair, my eyes too tired to hold his gaze.

“ Alright, so, want to cut the bullshit, and tell me what’s really on your mind?” I weakly shrugged my shoulders, shaking my head at how blank my mind had become.

“ Okay then, don’t talk. I will. The past couple of days were the ultimate worst of my life. Not only was I holding my guts in with my own hands, but I saw people in there, some with children, some were old people, some were teenagers that had very little of life to live. I, I was scared shitless. I felt so heavy, the weight of not saving those people was absolutely unbearable. And then, well, then there was Gypsy. She was just so brave, that little one. She talked to people, helped the old ones with their meds, played with the little ones to distract them, she just- she reminded me why we ever got into this shit. They will remember her, man, at some point in their lives, they’ll look back and remember that perfect stranger that helped them through it all. And in those moments, when she was in too much pain to pull on the show, or when she just missed you too much, I’d hear her, whispering to herself, as if urging herself on. Then, when you came in, she was so- desperate, for you to not know how bad things were for her. Your wife, saved lives, mate, including mine, and yours. So, when we do get her out, remind her that she’s a fucking hero. Maybe she didn’t save the baby, but she saved tens of others. Don’t let her forget that, don’t let yourself forget that either.” His voice trembled, choking with every word he spoke. Louis was never one to be vulnerable, but right then, he was. And something told me, it wasn’t by choice.

“ I don’t know what I’m doing, Louis. With her parents and Hazel and all that, I- I barely pulled her through. There was only so much of her left, and now it’s just- I’m scared that the one we’ll bring back, will not be the one that went in. I mean, I love her, so much. I promised to love her forever, but the more shit we have to live through, the less time we seem to have left, the weaker the love seems to get. I don’t know. I don’t know anything, anymore.”

“ You think she won’t love you anymore?”

“ It’s not that.”

“ Then what? You’re afraid you won’t love what’s left of her? Because that’s just a dick move that I wouldn’t expect from you.”

“ Dammit, Louis, I didn’t even say that!”

“ Then what? What are you saying?”

“ I’m saying, that I’m afraid my love for her will not be enough to make her want to get better, will not be enough to fix her. And I can’t live with her, knowing that- knowing that I’m the reason why she’s ruined.” I could no longer swallow the lump in my throat, I could no longer push through whatever that was, as I allowed the first, among many tears, to escape my tired eyes.

“ Oh man,” Louis whispered, burying my face into his sheets, his hands resting on my head, pulling slightly at my hair.

“ She’ll still love you. All she ever does is love you. And you? Well, just love her, Harry. Love her and wait for her to find her way back to you.”


A/N: a sad one :(((

but, zarry and larry moments so how about that?

please lets get this to 4k reads before the next update!

ily x

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