Chapter 1

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With the rise of a new day, came a new story. My story that I hadn't told anyone, not even my love, Gianluca. I promised myself never to let that story out, even if it was false. I couldn't live with knowing that my story hides somewhere, wanting to be free for many years now. But I didn't dare to tell anyone, and with my brother being away I knew I had to deal with this myself. I knew that it was going to be hard. However, I have lived with this for many years now. And ever since I started this relationship with Gianluca, I knew that I've got to live with it until the day I die. 

It's been many years now, and Fiore's children Ignazia and Ermanno have grown up a good life. They were now both 12 years old, and they often came to visit myself and Gianluca when we were both free. We were classed as their Godparents, which I was delighted to be. It took me weeks to convince Gianluca to agree, as we knew that we'd never get around to having a family of our own. With both of us working around the clock for promotional tours. And the only real free time we both get is during Autumn where we celebrate our years of being together. But thankfully, it was the middle of April and Gianluca was back in Italy. I was planning to meet him in Rome, as I wanted to surprise him with some gifts first.

Driving down to Rome was exhausting, I started traveling at the start of the week to make sure I could stop where I needed to and rest every now and again. I was traveling from Venice, as I had spent the week with Fiore and Piero, planning the wedding plans they needed to complete with my help. When they announce their marriage, I didn't know what to think. I was glad that they finally agreed to get married, but I felt like there was something going to happen if it was to get out to the media. They just ended up reassuring me that it was a private wedding. But I still felt like that wasn't enough to ease my nerves. 

Finally, it was on Thursday when I had reached Rome. I checked my car clock, and to my surprise, I had been traveling less than an hour for the remains of my trip. It was 10 am, and I had planned to meet Gianluca in half an hour. I pulled the car into a parking space, next to the beach, and made sure my parking permit was clear in the window screen. Locking the car and putting the keys into my pocket, I began walking across the side of the beach. That's where I smiled to myself, noticing a figure I'd always recognize surfboarding on the beach. That's where I noticed Piero, Ignazio, and most importantly Gianluca having fun on the beach.

Standing there, I watched them from a distance. Smiling to myself about how much fun they were having. Piero had gotten here before me because he had to leave right through the middle of the wedding planning. And I don't blame him, with their music still standing, I knew that their career will never die. And that's when I got noticed someone waving at me from across the beach. 

It was Gian, he had noticed me firmly wrapped up in my coat as the wind blew my hair into my face. He quickly ran the distance between us, cutting it short in a matter of seconds. I looked down at his face from above, as the railings and wall kept us apart. His hair was damp, all stuck to his forehead which allowed a soft giggle to escape my lips. His hand extended up to me as I took his hand in both of mine, kissing his knuckles softly. 

"Amore mio!" Gianluca smiled softly, his soft hazel eyes glistening in the light. 

"Hi, Gian." I chuckled, keeping a firm grip onto his hands, "Sorry it's not our arranged time, I didn't want to spoil your fun with the boys."

"Oh it doesn't matter, my fun isn't fun without you amore." Gian continued to smile, letting go of my hand as he waved over to Ignazio and Piero, "I'm going now!"

"Be protective Gian! You know what'll happen!" Piero shouted with his little chuckle.

"Keep it in your pants Ginoble!" Ignazio exclaimed, causing Gianluca's face to glow bright pink in embarrassment. 

"Oh be quiet!" I laughed back, "We're not even like you with that type of thing!"

"Katia De Luca, when I get my hands on you-you'll be sorry!" Ignazio bursts out laughing, falling onto the sand as Piero tried to keep his composure. 

"Come on, Kat. Let's go. My clothes are back in my hotel room."

"I'll drive you there then Gian, no little drive will harm us now will it." I smiled, taking his hand in mine as we walked back to my car.

But, my feet froze in place. I noticed someone from the other side of the road. The hair and masculine figure were almost like Gian. But it wasn't him, as he was right beside me. I knew that there was only one person in my life that always reminded me of Gian when he wasn't with me.

"Katia? What are you looking at? What's wrong, amore?"

"Gian, that man over there that looks like you..."

"What about him?"

"That's.... my brother."

To Be Continued

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