Morning's are great

18 1 0

Rachel's POV:

"UGH?! Why cant this hair cooperate?!" I yell out of frustration

"Ughhh, Im gonna be late for school Ill just fix it there."

I quickly put the comb down, and put a hat on.

"This will do."

I barge into my room looking for my hoodie.

"Sigh, Im a mess."

I haven't been the same after I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my sister's bestfriend. I couldn't believe she would do that. I trusted her.

"There it is!"

I quickly grab the hoodie and my keys rushing out the door not being able to say good bye to my mom. Oh well. Ill just text her.

"Ah shit! My bag!!"

I rush back into my town house nearly tripping over my dog. I grab my Louis Vuitton bag an rush the door. Feeling the September breeze against my hair. What a wonderful day. As I start up my 2016 Ford Explorer the blast of Ariana Grande startles me. I reverse out of my drive way and speed too my school noticing Marco stepping out of his house. I smile and blush uncontrollably. We make eye contact for a split second causing me to panic and swerve almost crashing. I cant help but freak out every-time I see him.

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