Wake up.

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Marco's POV:

The alarm clock's noise filled the room, jerking my brain awake. As my eyes flutter open, the first thing I see is the boring old ceiling. As my mom walks in the room she sharply says:
"Wake up Michael or you're gonna be late for school."

"Alright mom, Ill be out in a sec."

As I arose from my bed the rush of blood to my head made me light headed almost stumbling to the ground.

"Sigh, Im awake now."

I walked down the stairs struggling to put my hoodie on I smell the sweet, berry scent, blue berry pancakes. My  favourite.  My mom notices and gives me a sarcastic smirk

"Finally you're awake you goof."

"Yeah, yeah I know"

"That project is killing you, you should take a rest."

"Im ok Mom, plus I need this A so I can find a good job and help you keep your restaurant open."

"Heh, I appreciate the offer but, I can handle it myself. Now eat up or you're gonna miss your bus"


I quickly gulped down my pancakes, and rushed to the door. Putting on my vans as I walked out the door feeling the cool September breeze against my face. And notice a 2016 Ford Explorer speeding past.

"Thats unsafe. We live in a school zone."

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