A little Reunion

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Marco's POV:

As I stepped through the door of my school the sound of chattering had already filled my ears. Oh how I hated it


As I looked over my shoulder I see my best friend Kayla. I haven't seen her in years

"Hey, you weirdo long time no see"

"Ha! I know so what have you been up too?"

"Not much just trying to keep my grades up"

"How are you and your family?"

"We're ok... Things aren't the same since my dad passed"

"Look, you can pull through this. i know you can, you have managed to do all these incredible things. You can do this."

"I know, I know"


"Welp, thats the bell Ill catch ya later."

"Cya. Kayla"

God, I haven't seen her in years, Kayla had went on vacation to Korea to study her culture, knowing her she would do anything to get closer to her culture considering English culture is pretty boring.

As I walked to my class I bumped into my friend Jenny and her group of friends

"Oops sorry"

"Its fine you clumsy looser."

"Whats the deal with you?" I said while having a goofy smile

"Ugh, everything I haven't got my coffee yet and its been killing me."

"Well good look with that." As I walked off

As Im walking down the hall  a rush of air flows past me, it was one of Jenny's friends Rachel. I wonder why shes rushing? Anyways the first period I have is english. Lets go

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