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Rachel's POV:


As the bell rung I jumped out of my seat startling the other kids. Looks like I fell asleep. My french was French and I didn't really enjoy it

"vous allez bien mademoiselle?" Madame. Marchan says.

"Ca va bien Madame Marchan."

She gives me a look and dismisses us. I rush out the door almost forgetting my bag again. As I walk into the big grand hallway of the fine arts building I am instantly pushed into a huge group of kids pushing and shoving trying to get to the cafeteria. The fine arts building is a 2 story building with a pool, an art museum for students to display their fine works of art. As I walk into the main building the sweet smell of cherry pies, and burgers with fries fill the air. How wonderful. OOF! I bumped into Marco

"Hey!? Try to be careful next time heh..."

"O-oh s-Sorry I-I didn't see you there" I said blushing hard looking down

"Hey. Its ok by the way you look very beautiful today. I mean you look beautiful everyday" he says as he lifts my chin up

"Also I was thinking of having lunch with just the two of us today ya know?" Marco says scratching the back of his head while looking around

I was freaking out!! I stare directly in his light brown eyes before I can say anything before a familiar voice yells across the room.


Oh shit its Jayson.

"Didn't you say you were eating at home?"

"Uh, ye-yeah!" I said nervously

"Sweet Ill drive you there."

"N-no its ok Jayson I can drive myself."

I rush of but as I walk past, Jayson grabs my wrist.

"I said. Ill drive you."

Marco notices and slams him against the lockers with a deadly look in his eyes

"Hands off jerk!" Marco yells

"If she wants a ride then she'll let you. Ya don't have to be pushy."

"Alright calm down I didn't to be pushy geez, now let go of me."

Marco unpins Jayson from the lockers and he rushes away.

"Sorry about that Rachel. I just cant stand guys who do things even though you clearly have said no."

"I-its ok" I say blushing even more

"Lets go." As I he grabs my hand and we walk to Jenny's table

Marco's POV:

"OMG!! You guys are holding handsss!!!"

I quickly glance down and pull my hand away and blush

"N-no we weren't."

"Ahem yes you were 0.9 seconds ago."

I scratch the back of my head and look around blushing really hard I glance down at Rachel who was hiding her face with the sleeve I can notice that she's blushing as well.

"Soooo when are you guys official?!"

"W-we are just friends yup! Just friends."

"Mhm? I guess friends who hold hands?"


"Ooook if you say so."

I quickly take a seat and unpack my lunch.
Pasta my favourite. The scent of pepper, and tomato sauce, with the right amount of parmesan cheese quickly fill my nose. It was just like heaven. I dig in not noticing Rachel had sat down next to me and had been waiting for me to say something.

"Uhh, do you want some?"

"No Im ok." Rachel says

"Uhm ok." I say wiping the side of my lips

"Hey, thanks for helping me with that jerk earlier I didn't really get to thank you because I was so shocked on what had happened.

"Don't worry about it. I just dont want anyone you dont like getting close to you."

I go back to eating and I hear a soft but stern voice beside me. Danny.

"Hey, Rachel we need to talk." Danny says

"Hm? Why?"

"Look, I know I messed up but I really really miss you and I was wondering if you would take me back." Danny says as he gets down on one knee

Everyone in the cafeteria is looking.

"Danny I-I dont know."

"No." I stood up

"She wont go back to a scum bag like you." I say as I wrap my arm around her shoulder.

Danny stands we are now making eye contact. Danny is a little bit taller but he's a little skinny. I can take him on. He throws a glance at Rachel and one at me

"Hm, alright but this isn't over between you and me Cruz."

Danny walks away while the other students snicker in shock. I can feel the adrenaline rush through my body as I look at Rachel she's blushing again. God shes so cute. We sit back down and continued to eat. We held hands for the whole lunch. Her hands felt so soft

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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