Chapter 6

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Monday, March 31, 1975

            “Angela, come on. You’ve been in a slump all week!” Holly whined. “You have to come prom dress shopping with us!”

            She sighed and closed her locker. “I don’t really feel like going to prom. Is that weird?”

            “Yes.” Holly and Carly answered.

            Carly put an arm around Angela’s shoulder and pulled her towards the exit of the school. “Come on, it’s our senior prom! You’ll remember this forever. Now put on a smile and get in the car. We are going shopping.”

            Angela sighed in defeat and slumped in the front passenger seat. It’s been a week and she still hasn’t gotten a letter from Jason. This was something she knew could happen, but she didn’t want to think it ever would. “Okay,” she said dejectedly. “Let’s go.”

            “How do I look?” Holly asked stepping out of her dressing room.

            Angela scrunched her nose in disdain for the heap of fabric. “You look like Bo Peep.”

            Holly glared at her before Carly waltzed out of her respected dressing room wearing a similar dress. “I like your dress!” She chimed happily.

            “Why are you guys looking for these princessesque dresses? Please explain it to me.” Angela asked looking at her friends like they were crazy.

            Carly stepped down the slight step and sat in the chair next to her friend. “Because these dresses are awesome. Maybe you should try some one and we can tear you apart.” She suggested.    

            Angela shook her head in protest. “I’d rather not.”

            “I really think you should.” Holly said pulling her up out of her chair and flinging her into the last dressing room. “I’ll grab you some dresses.”

            “Great,” she mumbled, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She looked like she hadn’t sleep in days and on top of that she didn’t even remember the last time she ate.

            “Well that was a successful trip.” Angela said sarcastically.

            Holly laughed and playfully rolled her eyes. “Please, you hated every dress we gave you!”

            “Yeah, for a reason! I don’t want to look like everyone else!”

            Carly sighed. “You always hated blending in.”

            “Because I don’t like looking like a look-a-like.” Angela stated as Carly pulled into her driveway.

            Carly stopped the engine and turned to look at her friend. “Are you okay?” She asked. “I mean, you’ve been in this mood all week. You usually like this kind of shopping.”

            “Yeah,” Holly chimed in. “You’ve been off lately.”

            She sighed and shook her head. “I’m fine.” She lied. “There’s just been a lot on my mind lately.” The truth.

            “Well, if you ever want to talk about it, we’re always here.” Carly put an encouraging hand on her shoulder. “Now go and get some sleep. We’re taking you to a different store tomorrow. We have to get you a dress before all the good ones are gone.”

            “Thanks guys,” Angela said, giving her friends a small smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

            Angela climbed out of the car and walked into her house. She heard Carly’s car peel away from her house, the tires of her car screeching as she floored the acceleration. She laughed quietly to herself before entering her house and walking into the kitchen to get something to eat.

            “Angela, you’re home!” Angela’s mom smiled at her as she walked to the fridge.

            “Yeah, I’m home.” She said confused. “What’s up?”

            Her mom put a finger up, telling her to wait a second. She waltzed into the dining room and returned with a long black bag. “I was out earlier today and I saw this gorgeous dress that I knew you had to have.” Her mom was beaming as she hung the hanger on a hook and proceeded to undo the zipper. Angela’s jaw dropped when she saw what was inside.

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Okay, so it’s been forever since I posted! I’m really sorry, but I’ve been so uninspired with this story that it’s actually sad.

I’ve recently been getting back into this story, so I’m hoping I’ll be posting more often.

So last order of business: voting on prom dresses! Leave a number in your comment!





If you can find better ones let me know! I’ll post the picture of the winner in the next chapter. Thanks!

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