Chapter 13

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          The figure approached her until it stood close enough to the light that Angela could make out who it was. She squinted her eyes and she was able to determine that it was a he. He wore a dirty and bloodied uniform. He had dark hair and clear blue eyes. He looked like he hasn’t slept in days and his eyes were puffy and red.

            “Angela,” Jason was the first to speak.

            She stood on her porch steps too shocked to speak. She looked at Jason for what seemed like forever before she said, “You’re home.” She practically jumped the two steps to get to the ground.

            All Jason could really do was smile as he held her in his arms. “I can’t believe I’m here right now.” He mumbled into her hair.

            She pulled away slightly to really look at him. “This just doesn’t feel real.” She confessed.

            Jason was about to speak when headlights came up the driveway. Angela had a look of shock on her face when she saw her parents get out of the car. Each couple stared at each other before Angela broke the silence. “Mom, dad,” she felt Jason’s hand reach down to hold hers. “This is Jason.”

            Amy wore a shocked expression on her face. After telling her daughter and believing that the boy her daughter was writing wouldn’t be coming home, here he was, standing in front of her. “It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled at him before turning to her daughter. “He’s cute.”

            Jason heard the comment and chuckled lightly. “It’s all in the uniform.” He whispered quietly into Angela’s ear, making her blush.

            “Feel free to come in if you’re hungry. I’m sure we have some food lying around.” James said, reaching out to give Jason a handshake.

            “Thank you, sir.”

            Angela watched her parents walk into the house and towards the kitchen. She knew they were going to go there since they could watch everything with an all access view from the kitchen window. “Sorry about that.” She apologized.

            “Don’t be,” he still held her hand in his. “You have great parents.”

            “They are great parents.” She replied with a sigh. When she looked back at Jason, she took notice of the two dog tags handing loosely around his neck. She reached for one and turned it over. Her heart sank a little. Looking into his eyes she said, “I’m sorry.”

            He cupped her face gently in his hands, their eyes still holding contact. Slowly, he leaned in. When Angela noticed, she didn’t hesitate to lean in also. Their lips were mere centimeters from each other. When their lips actually connected, Angela saw a flash of light. Literally.

            “Oh my God,” she gasped before looking at her mom standing in the doorway with her camera. “Mom!” By this time, Angela’s cheeks were flushed pink.

            “I’m sorry; it was just such a picturesque moment!” Amy yelled as James grabbed his wife and pulled her back into the kitchen.

            Jason was still laughing lightly at the whole situation. “I’m so sorry about that.” She couldn’t even make eye contact with him.

            “You’re even more beautiful when you blush.”

            The comment made Angela blush more, just like Jason knew it would. Cupping her face in his hands, he pulled her face to his in a sweet, passionate kiss. When the two pulled away, their foreheads were touching as they tried to catch their breath.

            “This is going to sound crazy,” he spoke in-between breaths. “So tell me if it is.” Angela nodded and he continued talking. “I love you, Angela.”

            She looked into his clear, ocean blue eyes. He looked back at her and saw a smile that made her eyes sparkle. “I love you too, Jason.”

            Angela broke out into giggles as Jason picked her up and spun her around. At that moment, everything felt right and everything fell right into place. 

Letters from Vietnam [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now