Chapter 12

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Friday, April 18, 1975

            “Oh sweetie,” Amy breathed, looking at her daughter in her prom dress. “You look stunning.”

            Angela turned around and smiled. Her hair was pulled back and out of her face. The jewelry she wore sparkled just like her dress. “Thanks mom.”

            “You better hurry up. Everyone’s here and you don’t want to be late.” She said as she slowly made her way downstairs. Angela could hear the excited chatter and she started to get excited as well.

            “Oh my God,” Carly gasped being the first to see Angela. “You look – ”

            “Hot!” Holly said making Angela laugh.

            “I also would’ve accepted beautiful, but thankyou.” She joked.

            Brian stepped forward, delicately holding a corsage in his hand. “You look amazing.” He said with a perfect smile.

            Angela returned the gesture. “Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.” He chuckled and motioned for her hand. She held it out for him and he slid the corsage onto her wrist.

            “Alright everyone,” Amy yelled over everyone. “All the mom’s want pictures!”

            “Oh God, mom!” The three girls whined in unison.

            “Oh shut up,” Holly’s mom said in a joking matter. “Now everyone say, ‘cheese!’”

            The girls stood next to their dates and several flashes went off making everyone see spots. “My baby is all grown up!” Amy cried out hugging Angela.

            “Oh God, mom!” Angela cried.

            “Alright Amy, stop embarrassing her.” Angela’s dad said, putting his hand on his wife’s shoulders. “Let the kids go. The limo’s here.”

            “Yes, let’s go.” Holly agreed.

            Brian reached and grabbed Angela’s hand as they made their way out towards the car. She looked down and smiled even though there was someone else’s hand she wishedshe could’ve been holding.

            “Is this really our school gym?” Angela asked in awe. “The prom committee did a good job.” She commented.

            “I’d say.” Brian said equally as shocked.

            “Who cares what it looks like? It’s our prom. We should be dancing.” Holly stated, grabbing her boyfriend by the hand and pulling him out into the sea of people.

            “Poor guy,” Angela laughed. She looked to Brian and smiled, deciding to make the most of her night. “You want to dance?”

            “Definitely.” Brian answered smiling.

            The couple walked their way through the mass of bodies before they found a somewhat decent place to dance. Without warning, Brian grabbed Angela’s hand and twirled her once. She laughed. Her eyes sparkled under the very dim lights.

            “You’re a better dance then I thought.” She commented.

            Brian furrowed his eyebrows at her. “Is that a good or bad thing?”

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