Chapter 8

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Thursday, April 3, 1975

            It’s been a couple days since Angela had gotten the dress from her mother and things had started looking up. Just a little.

            “So you guys are okay now?” Carly asked as the three girls walked down the hallway after their last period class.

            Angela nodded. “Yeah, we talked about it. And we’re fine. I mean she bought mea prom dress, so – ”

            “Whoa, wait a second!” Holly interjected. “Your mom bought you a prom dress and you didn’t call us or show us?”

            She laughed. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was really happy after we talked things over. It was wei – ”

            “Who care?” Carly said, grabbing Angela by her arm. “We want to see your prom dress.”

            Angela laughed before stopping at her locker. “Hold your horses; I have to grab my books.”

            “Oh my God, hurry up!”

            Angela worked her lock before opening her locker. As she pulled her locker open, a rose fell out of her locker and fell to her feet. “What the hell is this?” She asked looking at her two friends.

            “I love you, but not that much.” Holly joked.

            Angela bent down and picked up the rose before finding a little white envelope on top of some of her books. “Who’s it from?” Carly asked excitedly.

            “I don’t know. I haven’t opened it yet.” She answered back sarcastically. Angela held the envelope in her hands before she flipped it over to rip open the flap that sealed it.


            “Gee, how romantic?” Angela said, showing her friends what was on the little card.

            “Hm,” Holly inspected it. “Well, it’s definitely a guy’s handwriting. I can hardly read that!”

            “Well, whoever this is, they get brownie points for the rose.”

            Angela looked at the handwriting and shrugged. “I have no idea who this is. Should I be worried?”

            “Yeah, I mean, what if it’s really just a serial killer trying to get to you.” Carly joked.

            “Ha-ha, very funny.” Angela said, rolling her eyes at her friend. She held the rose and card in her hand and closed her locker. The three girls were about to start walking when Angela’s name was screamed from down the hallway.

            “Angela! Wait!”

            Angela gave Holly and Carly a confused look when she saw Brian Jennings, captain of the football team, running towards her. “Holy shit!” Angela whisper shouted to her friends. “What do I do?”

            “I don’t know. Just don’t pass out.” Carly whispered back.

            “Hey Angela, I’m glad I caught you.” Brian said in an even tone. Not even winded from his short sprint down the hall. “I see you got the card and rose.”

            She looked at Brian and then back at her friends. “Yeah, thank you.”

            “We’ll leave you two alone.” Holly said pulling Carly towards the exit by her arm.

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