chapter two

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You watch, excited as Gon and Hisoka fight. You examined his nen ability thoroughly, detecting any weaknesses. He used a substance called bungee gum. Interesting.
"And Hisoka wins by t.k.o!" Cried the announcer.
What? Gon? Lost? You didn't think that Gon would let it happen, but at least he put up a good fight. Killua grabbed your hand and lead you to the exit. But then... Hisoka called out to you.
"Y/nnnnnnn!" He sang, signaling for you to come over.
Since when does he take such interest in you? You pondered the idea, then felt the fear growing as he advanced towards you. You glance down at Killua, who was visibly tense.
"Run, Killua!" You tell him.
He looks at you with concern etched into his royal blue eyes.
" But-"
Fans were screaming as Hisoka stalked towards you, his smirk prominent on his pale face.
"Hello, my little fruit." He cooed, putting his finger under your chin.
You glared at him, then backed up, snarling.
"Oh? Did I upset you last night? Poor little y/n." He crooned, patting your head.
"Get your disgusting, horrible paws off of me." You spat, backing up some more.
His smile disappeared. Lunging forward, he wraps his fingers around your neck, his eyes narrowing into slits. His sharp nails cut into your soft flesh like knives, earning small whimpers from you.
"Now, that isn't very nice to say." He taunted, tightening his hold.
At this point, your air supply was low. You didn't show it, though. You simply scowled. He pulled you closer to him, touching for heads with you. His golden eyes glowed yellow as he stared into your own eyes, his smile returning. But this smile held no humor, only malice.
You closed your eyes and went limp, pretending to pass out. He seemed a bit shocked, but simply shifted you so that you rested on his shoulder. Fans screamed like banshees as he carried you away, jealous of his attention on you. When he made it to your room, you sprung into action, kicking both legs into his stomach.
He gave a small noise of surprised not expecting you to do such a thing. He fell to the ground with you in his arms. Before he could react, you stood up and rushed into your room, standing at the doorway. He got up slowly, then glared at you. He lunged, preparing to grab you, but you slam the door.
"Stay the hell out of my life!" You scream as you lock the door.
There was a small thump as he collided with the door.
"You can say goodbye to those children before I kill them." He snarled.
"No you won't. Because no matter what, I wouldn't fight you if you did. Now, kindly buzz off!" You cry, thumping the door with your fist.
There was noises emitting from the other side of the door. Then it got louder. He was laughing. Laughing! But why? Why was he laughing? He full on guffawed from the other side, thumping the door with his fist.
"Oh, y/n..." He giggled.
Slam! Slam! Slam! What was he doing? The door bent with force as Hisoka slammed against it. Wait... He was going to break the door! Not wanting to pay for a new door, you open it, making a break for the balcony. He bursts in, looking frazzled. He leaps at you like a wild beast and collided with you, tackling you to the ground.
He burrowed his face into your neck, smirking a sneer of triumph. You forced your aura into your arms then threw him off of you for the second time. But this time, you had little time to react as you quickly rose and jumped onto the railing. He goes to reach for you once more, but freezes, realizing that you were in a dangerous position.
You stand upright, balancing well.
"Hisoka... If you take one more step... I'll jump."
This had Hisoka positively rolling on the floor with laughter .
"No you wouldn't!" He laughed.
You quirked a brow, smiling.
"Ok! Bye!" You squeal, falling from the ledge, trying to hatch a plan.
Well, now what? You didn't really want to die... Suddenly, you feel warm arms engulf your body. It was Hisoka.

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