31.) HBIC

32 0 1

Leah's P.O.V

Monday rolled around and I dressed to the ten's. Make up and hair on fleek. Hand in hand with Ashton as we walked in the front door.

Everybody was looking at us in shock.

Shocked at how I strolled in here like nothing happened. Shocked that I walked in here with my boyfriend still by my side.

"Alright! Listen up!" Ashton shouted, and it caught me off guard.

"I love Leah. Chrissy is a piece of shit! I never ever intended on being prince along side of her. I never ever wanted to kiss her. Its bullshit that I even have to say that! And if one person says anything to her or I about what happened at homecoming, I will personally rip your throats out." Ashton shouted through the hallways of our school.

Teachers heard it. Every student in the building heard it.

It's only a matter of time before Chrissy and I cross paths.

And she is not ready.

"Mr. Irwin, office. Now." One of the teachers said.

"Not until Chrissy and her prissy ass friends are dealt with." I snapped, not even caring.

"Leah! I never would expect this type of behavior from you!" She said to me, shocked.

"Well deal with it. My boyfriend was basically sexually assaulted while at a school function. Chrissy has been plotting against me for years, and Ashton moving here is the only reason I figured it out. Hes not the bad guy here. Neither am I! Deal with the real bullshit here before you come at me or him again! I will get the police involved!" I shouted, everyone still watching us.

And that's when I noticed, my ex-friends, standing down the hallway watching everything.

"Wipe that smug smile off your fucking face Chrissy!" I snapped, tearing my hand away from Ashton's and marching over to her.

"Aww is the little baby upset?" Chrissy asked, and as I approached her I didnt say a single word.

I just stared her in the eyes as my fist collided with her face.

"I've had it with you. I've hit my breaking point. But now that everyone at this school has seen who you truly are, you're reign is over." I snapped at her.

"You bitches are done with. All you have is each other now. I'm head bitch in charge now. And you girls, just found yourselves at the bottom of the food chain. Toodles." I flipped my hair as I walked away and left them speechless.

I winked at the teacher as I grabbed Ashtons hand and we walked towards our lockers to collect our stuff before heading to class, that every single student is now late to.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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