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"Urgh..."Chan hit his head for a many time on the table. Felix and Jisung just looked at him,blankly.

"Why with him?"Jisung whispered to Felix.

"I don't know."Felix whispered back.

"But you said that you know everything about him."

"When he was child,yes. I know about all about him in the past."

"You two can just asked me what happen."Chan said,still burring his face on the table.

"What happen?"Both of them looked at Chan.

"You already know about that Jeongin,right?"They both nodded.

"He's here now."Jisung blinked for a time meanwhile Felix faked a dramatic gasp.

"He's here?!"Felix asked.

"Yeah..."Chan sigh as he looked up,noticing that Seungmin didn't there because he didn't asked any question.

"Where is Seungmin?"

"Seungmin? He-"

"GO AWAY,IDIOT!!!"Chan looked at the outside to see Seungmin,who was ran from Hwang Hyunjin,someone that annoying like Jeongin. But he just love to tease Seungmin because of his reaction.

"Eh...? Seungminnie,you hate me?"Hyunjin smirked.

"Yes! Now GO AWAY!"Seungmin said as he pushed Hyunjin away meanwhile Hyunjin just chuckled.

"Okay,baby. See you at Art class."


"Yeah,there he is."Chan chuckled as he,Jisung and Felix appoached him.

"Where do you guys go?! Why you all so late to come to the cafeteria?! I've told you guys to came early so that Hwang Hyunjin doesn't annoy me!"Felix chuckled and Seungmin smacked his arm meanwhile Jisung looked at both of them.

"I asked you again,why are you all late?"Seungmin asked again as he sipped his apple juice.

"Um... Chan-"

"Chan met his childhood friend again."Felix cut Jisung off.

"You mean... Jeongin...? I already meet him."

"Wait,you already meet him...?"

"Without we...?"

"Yup."Jisung and Felix started to scolded Seungmin but Seungmin just ignored it and moved his attention to Chan.

"Anyway Chan,you're so lucky because got teased by someone cute. Look at me,that Hwang Hyunjin really annoyed and... Urgh... Tall and really love to call me 'baby' or something like that..."Chan coughed,making Jisung and Felix to jumped a bit.

"And one other thing,Chan... He's younger than you. And it's weird you can't teased him back."Chan stood up and placed his hand on Seungmin's forehead. Seungmin moved Chan's hand from his forehead and raised his eyebrow.

"What are you doing?"

"Are you fever or your mind dropped on somewhere?"Seungmin glared at Chan.

"Just try it. I'm sure it will work one day."

"Hmm... No,thanks."Chan  stood up and walked away to his next class when he feel someone tapped his shoulder.

"Wha-"He stopped his word when he see smiling Jeongin behide him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well..."Jeongin jumped in front of Chan with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Kim said that you're my English tutor from now."

You are my tutor...



"Wait,I'm your English tutor?!"Jeongin smirked.


Aish,that smirk... I hate it...

"So... When we can start... Mr. Bang?"



Teased -- jeongchan (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now