A short story of a Siren

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Men surrounded her. They yelled, laughed and drank as she stood tired up against a wooded pole aboard the ship. The captain laughed at something one of his men said before approaching her "Throw her over!" he bellowed out before two men threw down their mugs and roughly taking her to the edge of the ship where a plank of wood was laid over the side of the ship. They shoved her onto the plank still bound up. She looked back trying to see if she can get out of this mess. She looked forward before taking a step, the plank wobbled beneath her as the men laughed in the background at her. One man grinned evilly as he stepped on the plank's edge making it wobble even more until the women lost her balance and falling into the sea. She struggled as her arms were bound tightly together by the rope. The deeper she sunk the darker and harder it was for her to breathe and see. Her death was slow as her lungs screamed for air in them but weren't given any. Her muscles tired out from her struggling. She sunk deeper until her lungs eventually gave out. Her eyes drained of color as she gave her last breath before darkness consumed her. Her body landed on a rocky ledge.

As she laid there her body began to transform. Her legs formed beautiful green and blue scales on them with a giant tail. Her arms became blue with small fins under her forearms, nails extended into claws. Her face was blue with sharp teeth and giant charcoal black eyes. Then she could breathe again. Her body had become smaller so she wiggled out of her restraints and headed for the surface. 

When she came up it was sunset. The ship was still where it was when she fell over with all the men happily drinking and talking over her death like it was nothing. Rage and anger bubbled inside her at what they did to her, letting her die like that. That's when she knew what she was meant to do. 

She was a siren determined to get revenge on all men for what they did to her. 

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