The Kiss (Justin Bieber x OC x Kendall Knight)

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[A really old story that I have rewritten]

Kendall is the new boy in school.

Laura has a crush on him.

One problem, Laura has a boyfriend, Justin, who is controlling of Laura.

Will Laura end up with Kendall or will Justin do something before then?


As I was at the bus stop I saw this cute boy named Kendall there. He was the new boy at our school and everyone was head over heels for him even me. The only problem was that I had a boyfriend he wasn't my type anymore but I didn't want to break up with him.

"What's up babe?" my boyfriend Justin Knight said

"Nothing" I responded

"You want to go to the Mic Redo Restaurant today after school?" he asked "I know it's your favorite place" he added

"Sorry I have to babysit today for two hours," I said

"Ok," he said the bus came shortly after that.

When I got to school my two best friends, Audrey and Sarah Liz were by my locker

"So did you talk to him?" Sarah Liz asked

"Who?" I responded

"Kendall," they both said

"No" they both know I have a crush on Kendall and insist that I talk to him but I can't even bring myself to talk to him. Plus Justin would be jealous if I talked to any other guy but him. The bell rang, we split up going to our classes.

When I got to class I sat down in the front and then Justin came and sat beside me shortly after. After every class today Justin took me to my class

'Why is he doing this?' I thought then in one of my classes I noticed that Kendall was looking at me. He caught me looking at him and smiled. I blushed and looked away 'He's jealous' I thought and smirked.

This went on for several weeks each class Justin would take me to them. One day while in class I decided I would finally talk to Kendall. During class when we weren't doing anything I walked over to Kendall's desk and sat down next to him

"Hey I'm Laura" I introduced he looked up and smiled

"I'm Kendall" he responded

"Nice bracelet" I complimented looking at his wrist was a green and blue beaded bracelet was

"Oh thanks, it's a gift from a friend," he said we kept talking until class was over

"See ya later," I said

"See ya," he said waving at me as I walked toward the door where Justin was standing there giving Kendal a mean look.

"Don't talk to him" Justin said as he walked me to my other class

"Why not?" I asked

"I don't like the way he looks at you," he said

"You can't control who I talk to Justin," I said walking away from him.


Soon it was prom. The principal let us out early since it was prom. I wore a white dress with flowers on it. Justin came and picked me up for prom soon after. When we got there Justin and I sat down at a table before I saw Kendall on the dance floor

"I'm going to get a drink," I told Justin as I got up and headed for the drink station but turned in the crowd of people toward Kendal "Hey Kendall," I said he turned around from the girl he was dancing with

"Oh hey Laura want to dance?" he asked I nodded as we danced around with some other people. Soon a slow song came on everyone split into couples as Kendall and I just stood there awkwardly until Justin came over looking mad

"Laura come on," he said taking my wrist and pulling me onto the dance floor where we stood there dancing

"Justin you're hurting me," I said as he was still gripping my hands hard. He let go but didn't look back at me. He only looked at Kendall who was standing awkwardly against the wall. I got out of Justin's grip and ran away from him toward the school's garden. When I got out there I sat under the Gazebo crying

"Laura are you ok?" I jumped at the sudden voice looking up it was Kendall I shook my head. Kendall came over and hugged me "Justin's a jerk isn't he?" Kendall asked

"He's always jealous of other boys. It makes me mad" I told him

"Well, maybe this will help," Kendall said bringing my face up to his and kissing me.

'He's kissing me!' I thought as I was unable to move due to shock. We both pulled back awkwardly before going inside. When we got inside I went over for a drink before Justin decided to punch Kendall in the face. I turned around and saw it happen. Justin then preceded to beat up Kendall. Furious I went over to Justin and flipped him over. He landed on the floor hard. I took his arm and broke his wrist and then both his legs. Lastly, I gave him the worst black eye you can get. I rushed over to Kendall

"Are you alright?" I asked

"Yeah," he said slowly getting up "Just some bruises that's all," he said. They took Kendall and Justin to the hospital in an ambulance shortly after.

The next day Kendall came to school perfectly fine. Justin though was in a wheelchair with his younger brother pushing him and an icepack over his black eye. Everyone laughed at him.  

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