Chapter Two: The Event that Started it All

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A/N- This is my first fanfic for Hetalia, so I apologize if the accents are off. I normally don't write dialogue like this style wise and decided to give it a shot.

Also trigger warning for some sensitive subject matter- 9/11, gore, blood

Anyway, enjoy!


America was busy giving the tour of the city to his fellow nations. Most of them were actually happy to join the tour, seeing how it would just allow them to spend more time with America. It was 8:30 in the morning and America took them to Central Park. The countries were in awe of its glory, hardly able to believe that nature this beautiful still existed in the center of such a musky city. Most of the countries who already paired up, ran off to explore. It left only the FACE family together, and America couldn't be happier with that. He hugged his brother closely, smiling that priceless smile. A cool summerish breeze filled the trees and the sun felt perfect. Taking a polaroid from his man purse, France hugged his family close. Snapping a photo, the picture came out perfect. England was blushing madly at France's hug, Canada was laughing at his brother and messing up his hair, and America was smiling. As France dried the photo, England went over to his two boys and ruffled their hair at the same time. France smiled happily, taking another photo. A candid of England and Canada pouring some fallen leaves onto America's head.

"Zis is perfect... I couldn't be 'appier... My family... Mon petit Matthew... Mon amour Arthur... And mon cher, Alfred... Zey truly are wondervul..."

France was interrupted from his mental monologue when Arthur dumped leaves on his head. Laughing hysterically, Arthur then kissed France's cheek.

"You really should get your head out of the cloud Francis... Enjoy this... Enjoy now..." Arthur chirped. The stubborn coot was usually grouchy, but today was different. Arthur woke up and decided to be happy today, kissing Francis awake and then cuddling him. Arthur couldn't place why he wanted to act this way, but from what the result was so far it was amazing.

"Ohonhon... My gorgeous Angleterre! How dare you ruin my 'air!" brushing the leaves from his ponytail he quickly tackled Arthur, pinning him to the ground. More leaves were dumped on Arthur and Canada quickly joined.

America was laughing as his family assaulted one another. He wiped the joyous tears from his eyes and fixed his glasses. Suddenly, a chill went down his spine. His ears picked up a buzzing noise and he looked in many directions.


The buzzing noise passed over them in the form of a plane. Alfred began to panic, why was it flying so low?


Terror. He heard his people's shrieks and ran immediately to them. By then the other members of the FACE family were confused. What was that buzzing noise they just heard? What was that loud bang? Francis looked around and saw black smoke in the sky. Canada and England also noticed the large smoke cloud, instantly worrying. Just then, Ludwig, Gilbert, Mathias, Feliciano, Lovino, and Antonio ran up to them.

"Vhat vas zat?!" Gilbert exclaimed, then the new group noticed the cloud of black debris.

"Mis amigos! I think the plane just hit a building!" Antonio shouted, and Lovino then looked at the trio of blonde nations.

"Hey! Where is burger bastard?!" Lovino yelped, and the countries looked around. Then it dawned on them, he went to his people. Canada quickly ran toward the smoke cloud, Lovino following. That's when the group bumped into Russia, China, Japan, Sweden, and Finland.

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