Chapter Six: The Diner

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Nobody spoke at all, the only thing audible sound was the radio station the diner played. Some of the nations were confused, while others understood perfectly.

"Ve? What do you a-mean?" Feli asked curiously. Gilbert thought for a bit until it dawned on him. He looked at Mathias with a glance, and they both instantly understood what Arthur meant. Lovino and Antonio looked at Feli, and began to explain.

"What he means amigo is that Alfred was attacked on purpose. Someone did this to him to make him suffer" Spain said. Feli's eyes widened in shock.

"How could-a someone do that?!" Feli yelped fearfully.

"Who in their right mind could think of such a violent attack?" Mathias asked, unusually serious.

"Obviously the people who planned it didn't have a right mind, aru" China continued, getting a nod from Sweden.

"But Alfred doesn't have many enemies. The only people I think that hate him are Cuba and Russia" Finland said abruptly, then looked at the large nation with a glare that terrified the whole table. Ivan quickly put his hands up in defense.

"I didn't plan this... The cold war ended a long time ago, I would never hurt Fredka like this... Even I'm not that cruel, da? My government is even going to declare a ceasefire until the aftermath is done!" Ivan was actually quivering under Tino's stare. France coughed, distracting them both.

"Ivan is right. 'is government isn't zat insane, zis was somebody else. Cuba doesn't 'ave the brains to do zis and even 'is government is offering medical supplies. So, we can rule ze two of 'em out." Francis sighed, trying to think. Nobody they could think of would do this. After all, this was an act of war. The World Trade Centers were the WORLD Trade Centers for a reason. Whoever attacked them was begging to go to war, and in retrospect should have a military ready to face the globe. Especially America's military.

"It doesn't matter vho it is, when ze awesome me finds zem zey'll vish zey didn't exist" Gilbert threatened, everyone, nodding in agreement.

"Even if Al is a bit loud and obnoxious sometimes, he didn't deserve this. I just want to know who would do this to him, eh" Matthew said quietly.

"Alfred is strong, but his people right now are fearful of what's to come. They know just as much as us at this point" Sweden deducted, sighing deeply. Suddenly their food came out: England had gotten fish and chips, France had gotten their farm-raised steak, Canada got pancakes loaded with maple syrup with some bacon and scrambled eggs, China had gotten their chicken and dumplings, Russia got a roast beef sandwich with vegetables, Germany had decided to try their sausage rolls with onions and peppers, Feli had ordered their spaghetti and meatballs, Lovino got a meatball parm sandwich, Gilbert ordered a burger in honor of his best friend, Mathias ordered a basket of fried chicken, Tino ordered sweet glazed ham with pineapple, Berwald ordered a bowl of clam chowder, and Antonio had gotten grilled chicken with tomato salsa on top. It was then Germany ordered a bowl of fried rice balls with soy glaze to go for Japan, thinking that would probably be the best option. As they ate, the news report came onto the radio.

"It is a sad day for us here in America, as we mourn the thousands of victims and pray for the tens of thousands still missing. I am here at what authorities are calling Ground Zero, it is truly a horrid sight I'm looking at right now. Where our once beautiful twin towers stood, now lay a pile of rubble. In this rubble, lay more victims. Limbs are everywhere, and only a lucky few people of the hundreds that have been recovered from the rubble are in a semi-stable condition. We are also understanding that our lovely towers weren't the only ones attacked. The Pentagon in Washington D.C. had also been brutally attacked. And a plane crash in Shanksville, PA is suspected to have been a failed attack on the White House. Volunteers are here beside me, cleaning up office papers and helping the emotionally distressed. The president has addressed the matter, saying that this attack will only make us stronger. There certainly are a lot of questions left unanswered for us today, hopefully, more coming soon. Trevor Mingle, signing off"

Everyone was frozen, stunned at what they had just heard. There were THOUSANDS of victims! The PENTAGON had been ATTACKED! There was only a small amount of survivors and TENS OF THOUSANDS were still MISSING! This was an attack! An inhumane and unearthly attack! Whoever planned this was a monster! Finland began to tear up, and so did Feli. Germany quickly hugged Feli close and Sweden embraced his wife.

"Zat vould explain vhy his heart stopped, and za seizure as vell" Gilbert said openly, and China growled.

"This act of hate should never be forgiven aru. This isn't like anything we've ever dealt with. These circumstances are new to us aru" China was shaking in anger.

"Yao is right," Antonio began, "while we all have had our wars and rebellions, this isn't like that. People had come to this country, came to America, and betrayed him. Every one of those citizens had done nothing to deserve that. They were just working and doing the things they were supposed to do. The people who did this didn't even want to invade, the just wanted to invoke panic and fear"

"That's not all either," Mathias started, "Many of those people weren't in the military or had past experience with it. They were average citizens, innocent citizens, who became a victim of hate. The fact that there are so many of them missing is scary too. None of us can say we understand, other than Japan with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But even then, that was a military attack. These people used America's own planes against him to harm normal citizens. America had lost so many people in a single day, in a mere few hours! Can you imagine how Alfred feels?" the others shook their heads.

Mathias was right. None of them can truly say their people were wrongly attacked by other civilians. When their people were attacked, it was an act of war performed by a military. Not a vile act of hate done by other citizens. What was going on? Who could have done this?

They all sighed and looked at the radio. It had begun to play songs from the fifties, bringing back memories of how Alfred used to be. Many of them had recalled how he got engulfed in a greaser faze, wearing a leather jacket instead of his bomber one with his hair slicked back. The faze quickly spread across European and Asian culture, many taking a liking to it. They loved the new music America made, the new foods he produced, the new products he manufactured, the new movies he filmed. America turned world meetings into large swings, often times just dancing instead of talking about world issues. South Korea and Japan grew especially fond of western culture, copying their styles of clothing and playing his music.

England was also swept up in the madness, most of his citizens listening to the new songs over the radio and dressing like their friends from across the pond. England and many other European nations' youths would hold parties just to listen to his music, watch his films, wear his trends, eat his food.

Ravishing in his newfound success by the ending of the war, America's economy flourished. Patriotism was up, and more people from all over the globe flooded to America's shores. With the promises of a better life and a fresh start, America took the world's weak and poor openly. Cultures began to mesh together and America's land became more of a melting pot than anything. America became a part of all of them, through their citizens.

He always said the fifties were one of his favorites, it was a time of peace and prosperity. Hearing the music made them quickly finish their food, no longer wishing to remember such a time when it was so sad now. After that they paid their bill Francis left a good tip for the service and Germany picked up Japan's food as they left.

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