Chapter Four: Tears for the Hero

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Finnish translations

mother- äiti

father- isä


"Move England! Let me see my boy!" Finland commanded, but Arthur didn't budge. He was about to punch the British gentleman before Sweden stopped him. He saw everyone: Germany, Prussia, Denmark, China, Japan, Russia, the Italies, Spain, Sweden, and Finland. Germany noticed the tear stains on Arthur's pale cheeks, and couldn't take it anymore. He shoved Arthur out of the way and they all moved in.

    "Mein Gott" he heard Germany say. Finland had enough and started pushing his way to his son. He didn't like what he saw. Sweden's eyes went soft at the sight of his little boy, in a hospital bed, staring death in the face. Finland, with eyes filled with tears, ran to the bedside.

"Oh, my sweet little boy! It's going to be ok!" Finland took a breath and sniffed, "äiti and isä are here!" Sweden pulled his wife into a hug, and Finland broke down. Japan and China rushed forward, China rubbing America's hair from his once warm and happy face while Japan was muttering Japanese prayers and clutching Alfred's hand. Antonio was quickly tackled by a crying Lovino, who threw his pride right in the trash. Seeing his little tomato so sad broke his heart. He then looked at Alfred again, feeling the tears from his eyes break free. Feli looked at his companion, clenching his fists tightly before tears rolled down his face. It felt like Holy Rome all over again, he was losing another person he cared for.

Russia stood there in shock at his enemy/comrade. Russia felt hot tears roll down his cheeks, and anger began to seeth inside his thick and cold veins. He will end the being who did this to Alfred. Feeling his knees buckle, Russia fell to them, weeping into his hands openly.

Prussia and Denmark couldn't even look at their awesome bestie. Gilbert's red eyes shut tightly as tears ran down his cheeks. Mathias walked over to the bedside quietly, his normal smile gone. He bent over and nuzzled his head against Alfred's, tears dropping onto Alfred's face. Gilbert finally couldn't take it anymore. His anger had been pent up for too long. This was it for him, clenching his fists he held back his arm.


He punched a large hole in the wall and began to sob. Germany knelt at his brother's side and hugged him. Germany felt every ounce of his being wanting to desperately cry. Looking at his once strong friend now so close to death, he couldn't hold it back. Germany's manly sobs echoed softly. China remained silent, his lips trembling but no sound coming out. After close to an hour of crying, all the nations regained some sense of composure.

"They said he might not wake up, his heart stopped three times during surgery. And when we were on our way here his heart nearly stopped. I'm going to slaughter the demon who did this to him" England said lowly. China looked at Alfred and rubbed his head.

"This isn't fair aru" he said softly, gaining everyone's attention, "how could someone do this to someone so young? Someone who was always there for us aru... Alfred didn't deserve this! What beast could have done this!" China finally broke down. Seeing such a young and lively nation dying was too painful for the ancient nation to bare. China clinched America's gown and cried into his heart, "I'd do anything to wake him up aru!" Finland clenched his fists, and Sweden knew exactly what he was planning to do. Sweden hugged his wife as Finland tried to punch something. And since China was touching his little boy, he was gonna punch China. Japan looked at his father figure, slowly tearing.

"I don't rike it at arr" Japan said, "America-san has arways been there to hep us... He didn't deserve this..." Japan looked over Alfred, moving hair from his forehead. Blushing like mad, Japan kissed Alfred's forehead. Sweden was holding Finland by the waist now, as he was fuming at the disgraceful action of kissing his son right in front of him. Before a fight could break out, America's machines began to go haywire. Most of the countries began to panic as America started to have a seizure right in front of them. Feli buried his face into Ludwig's shoulder, sobbing. China and Japan did their best to try to help until the official medics arrived. Russia watched in horror as America began to jerk. He was actually scared, petrified even. Watching it unfold made him feel useless. So he ran, he ran out of the room and shouted like hell to get a doctor there. The seizure had woken up Matthew, and Francis was holding him back. Denmark and Prussia confided in their awesome friendship, trying hard not to cry. It went on for two minutes, Alfred's eyes at one point shooting open. It began to terrify the others as his eyes began to roll to the back of his head and Alfred began to gasp for air. Then it just stopped. He didn't move, nobody moved. The scariest noise ever heard in a hospital began to sound. The long continuous beep of a flatline heart monitor.


I know some bits were OOC, but for the dramatic effect, I decided just to make them all a little bit more emotional. I think it adds depth, especially adding elements you wouldn't normally see in the real character.

Like this is a 9/11 based story, so I made Ludwig and China a bit more emotional since they are both the most level-headed. Don't worry, emotional Sweden coming soon!

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