Chapter Eight: Insanity and Guard Dogs

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Spanish Translations

Puta- bitch


Asadi lunged at Alfred, knocking him down to the ground. The man punched Alfred's face repeatedly, giving him a fat lip and a black eye. But Alfred hit back, eventually grabbing onto his throat and pushing him back. Alfred could feel the support his fellow nations were giving him, he could feel their care and love coursing through his veins. Alfred punched Asadi right in the face, shattering what was left of his nose after Lulu first attacked. He then punched him relentlessly everywhere he could reach his face, his arms, his stomach, his groin, his abdomen, and his chest. Alfred kept hitting until he knew Asadi wouldn't get up, not stopping until his knuckles were raw. He then bolted up, ripping free from his IV to check on Lulu. He crouched to her side and noticed she had some abdominal bruises. He went to call security when he felt something yank his leg.

Alfred fell to the ground as the meter stick was pounding at his already aching body. Asadi's eyes were empty, almost like he was a shadow of a nation. His smile was so bleak and broken it was clear his sanity had long since been extinguished. He felt whip after whip of the meter stick, lashing scars all over Alfred's still healing body.

The nations all felt a cold breeze run shivers down their spines. Kiku, Matthew, Tino, Gilbert, Mathias, and Berwald all shot their heads up. Arthur and Francis bolted from the cafe, the whole followed close behind. The guard let them in without hesitation, not like he had a choice when Berwald, Ivan, and Ludwig shoved passed him. The nations were greeted with a bloody hallway and the sounds of insane laughter. Yao's protective instincts kicked into high gear, charging whoever was on the other side of the hallway. Yao's wok smacked Asadi right in the face, making the said nation fall back some. He felt a soft fabric beneath him and looked up, meeting the violet eyes of Ivan. He quickly stepped away when he realized there wasn't an escape. Berwald and Tino brandished pistols, Ludwig a Glock, Ivan his magic metal pipe of pain, Matthew the hockey stick, Mathias and Antonio battle axes, Francis the pointer Lulu used, Arthur had a Beretta, and Gilbert strapped on his steel fighting rings. Feliciano and Lovino quickly moved to get Alfred out of the way, while Yao moved Lulu.

"How cute... You're all defending him..." Asadi said with a lifeless laugh. His words were empty sounding, and his crazy features etched permanently in his mind.

"Vell, I've been vanting to do zis since yesterday!" Prussia yelled as he jumped onto Asadi. The fighting began with Gilbert who threw the first punch at Asadi face. He dodged but was hit in the stomach repeatedly. 

"Now you can feel our pain!" Francis yelled. He whipped the thicker part of the pointer at Asadi's head, knocking a few teeth out. 

"My brother is off limits eh. You should have known that!" Matthew yelled, smacking Asadi straight in the ribs with his hockey stick. 

"You are more insane than me, da? No matter, you will never become one with anybody" Ivan used his pipe to break his kneecaps. 

"This is for Alfred!" Mathias screamed, gashing a large 'X' onto Asadi's chest. 

"And this is for the victims! You petty little puta!" Antonio slashed Asadi's back. Mathias and Antonio got a few slashes on his chest before Ludwig shot him in the abdomen, no doubt hitting vital organs. 

"Jou are a vorthless excuse for a living being und jou vill never be forgiven!" Ludwig yelled in Asadi's face. Then came the big guns, the three fathers: Berwald, Tino, and Arthur. 

"You're going to regret messing with my baby" Tino explained.

"America will always have me to protect his honor, from anyone" Arthur expanded.

"I won't allow you to torment my family anymore" Sweden finished with a straight tone, his mouth curling a slight bit as he held the trigger. They all shot Asadi until they ran out of ammo, placing sixteen bullets in his chest, four in his head, ten in his abdomen, five in his groin and five in his back. Yao was taking care of Lulu, icing her head before inspecting her ribs. He found that a few of her ribs might have had a hairline fracture, so he told her to stay put. Lovino and Feli were tending to Alfred's wounds. Patching him up until the doctor could come.

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