Ghosts from the train

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Eight woke up with a start. This was the third night in a row, and it was starting to make her hearts hurt.

She hated how persistent the nightmares were getting. It had been two months since her escape, and they hadn't lessened even a little bit. It started as only once a week, but it had slowly escalated to every two days. And now this was her third night in a row.

She wanted to cry. No, scratch that, she was crying. She wiped her face with the back of her hand. She could feel herself shaking.

The Octoling grabbed her phone from her bedside table. 4:35 in the morning. She frowned; no way she was waking up Pearl or Marina over this. She already knew what they'd say if she did, and it wasn't what she was in the mood to hear at the moment. 'It makes sense you feel that way.' They'd probably say. 'We can talk about it in the morning if you still feel bad.' They'd insist. It wasn't that those were necessarily bad responses, it just always seemed stock if it wasn't coming from Three.

The Octoling's eyes widened in realization. That's right, Three! Three always knew how to make her feel better! She opened her texting app and scrolled through her incredibly small list of contacts. Pearl, Marina, Cuttlefish, there she was!

She opened the messages. The last one was from a few days ago, they'd been discussing weapons or something.

[Eight]: hey, are you busy
[Eight]: or awake for that matter

Only after sending the first message did the Octoling remember how late it was. She scolded herself, wiping away a few more tears that had welled up in the meantime.

About five torturous minutes later, Three's response came.

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Well I am now, are you ok?
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: What are you doing up this late?

[Eight]: i had a nightmare

If the conversation were happening in real life, Eight probably wouldn't have been able to get through more than two words without a teary breakdown. As she shook, she thanked the stars for modern technology.

It was another minute or two before Three replied.

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Oh
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Uh
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Did you want to talk about it?

[Eight]: maybe. im still kinda terrified
[Eight]: why, am i bothering you
[Eight]: cuz we can tlak later if i am

The response was quick this time.

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Definitely not! Just wasn't sure if you really wanted to talk to me specifically.
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: I'd be happy to listen if it'd make you feel better.

Eight smiled down at her phone, mind still in petrified shambles, but heart warm. She took a deep breath, and began typing out her thoughts.

[Eight]: i keep seeing myself down there
[Eight]: surrounded by all those freaky other subway riders
[Eight]: and cq cumber watching me super closely
[Eight]: and i keep failing all the test over and over
[Eight]: and everything just seems hopeless because im so scared
[Eight]: and even when i found all the thangs i was going to die anyway
[Eight]: i just keep seeing bombs and blenders and that stupid shade of blue
[Eight]: and i jsur want it to stop
[Eight]: i jusr wa t t to stop

She was having trouble typing now. Her fingers were shaky and she could barely see the screen through her tears. All she could do was let out a choked sob and wait for a response.

She didn't have to wait long, luckily, as Three was quick to realize what was going on.

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: This isn't just one dream, is it
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: You've been having lots of nightmares, haven't you?

Eight shook her head before remembering that Three couldn't see her.

[Eight]: yes

She replied after a solid minute of shaking and crying.

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: You....sound like you need a hug or something, 8. You should go wake up Marina or Pearl. They're at least there.

Eight frowned.

[Eight]: but I dont wa t to tajk to them i wnat to talk to you

She cursed her twitching fingers again, burying her tear-stained face in her pillow.

It was a solid five or six minutes later before she got a reply.

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: But you really sound like you need a hug and I can't give you one from all the way over here

Eight sucked in a sniffle.

[Eight]: i swear im ok jsut talking abot it 3

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: No you're not! I can tell you're still crying probably!
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Turn on your location
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: I swear if I have to superjump to give you physical reassurance

That actually managed to get a tiny laugh out of Eight. She rubbed her eyes again, noting that they didn't swell with tears immediately after.

[Eight]: well i was
[Eight]: but not after that
[Eight]: youre reallt good at making me feel better
[Eight]: doubt pearl and marina would be too happy about you breaking and entering tho

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Go wake them up then! Because I'm being entirely serious!

[Eight]: no yur not

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Square up Octo

Eight laughed a little harder at that. She wiped her eyes again, only to discover they really were dry this time, if a little puffy.

[Eight]: youre my hero you know that?

As she hit send, a warm and fuzzy feeling filled her chest. Talking with the other always made her feel that way, but this time the feeling was strong enough to actually replace the overwhelming fear that had taken hold there just minutes before.

A few minutes passed and no response, and then a few more. Eight felt her glee give way to concern.

[Eight]: 3?

The response was almost immediate.

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: I am?

The Octoling blinked.

[Eight]: of course
[Eight]: why wouldn't you be?

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: ...
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Are you feeling better?

Eight squinted at the clear avoidance of her question, but decided to maybe ask later. It was still pretty late, after all.

[Eight]: yeah i am actually
[Eight]: thanks to you

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Well, I'm always here if you need me.
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: You should try to get some sleep if you can.
[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Do you think you can?

The Octoling gave a yawn, stretching her arms and getting back into a more comfortable position in the bed.

[Eight]: yeah

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: That's good. You rest easy now, ok?

[Eight]: ill try. thank you 3

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: Anytime.

Eight put her phone back down on the nightstand, and curled into herself with a smile.

She fell asleep so quick, she didn't even notice that Three had sent one final message.

[🏅🏅Three🏅🏅]: 💛

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