It doesnt hurt !

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Adaline POV

"Holy fuck ! Does it hurt"

" No shit Sherlock ! I'm crying because it feels wonderful" shit getting a tattoo feels like thousands of needles being jabbed into you .

"I can't believe your doing this Adaline ! What if it gets infected, what if you have to go to a hospital ! OMG WHAT IF YOU DIE !"

Yup that's Addison for you . Always worked up about something. It can be quite annoying but hey I love her. She's been my best friend since like kindergarten , but honestly sometimes I just wished she shut the hell up it's already bad enough I'm getting a tattoo on my foot , here she goes freaking out on me.

"Addison if you don't shut the hell up I will take one of those needles over there and stab you ... repeatedly might I add" I hollered at her . The look on her face was priceless I couldn't help but start laughing .

"Adaline this isn't funny ! I think you should've told your parents ! What if something does happen?"

"Nothing's going to happen Addi ! This is like my seventh tattoo so I'll be fine !"

"Yeah ok like the last tattoo .. You know the one under your boob that was like infected for a week "

"Addison for gods sake it wasn't my fault that shit tattoo artist didn't tell I couldn't leave it uncovered !"

"Well I don't care Adaline if that shit gets infected I'm gonna tell my mom ! Who is going to tell you parents !"

"Well then Addison looks like I'm gonna have to take real good care of this tattoo so my beloved doctor aka your mom doesn't tell my fucking parents ! "

"Whatever Adaline"

"Love you too Addison"

We couldn't help but laugh together. The tattoo artist probably thought we were delusional. One minute yelling our asses off , to telling each other I love you and throughout a laughing fit. But I didn't care because that's who we were and no one I mean no one can take that away from us !


Addison's POV

"All done babe" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that disgusting slimy and might I add a bit tipsy tattoo artists. I can't believe I let Adaline .... let him give her a tattoo. Jesus only knows where he's been all night and now he's giving my best friend a fucking tattoo.

"Oh my god ! Thank you Mikey . It looks so dope ! Thank you so much man ! How much do I owe you? " Adaline asked Mikey waiting for him to answer . But something was different . He was looking at her like she was fucking ice cream. So instead of answering he winked at her and in like a nanosecond there lips crashed onto each other . Going in like there was no tomorrow. I think I gagged alittle . Nope nevermind a lot . By the time there make out session was over I thought I was going to hurl all over the place!

"It's on the house babe" Adaline just said thank you and walked out ! As if nothing just happened back there .

"Adaline are you fucking that tattoo artist ? "

"Oh my god no Addison ! What the fuck is wrong with you dude "

"Well he just let you leave for a tattoo that probably costed like mah money .. So I mean if you aren't fucking him then why did he let you leave ?"

"Addison look at me " I did as I was told and looked straight into her crystal blue eyes. They were kinda scary sometimes. "I , Adaline Elizabeth Sylvia , am not fucking anyone . No penis has been in my vagina ever . So let's not return to this topic ok ? " she winked at me and walked away . But I couldn't help but giggle at her choice of words . But hey that was Adaline for you . Very outspoken and she likes to explain things in a weird way . Just like she explained she was a virgin with out saying the words . Ugh what would I do without her .

"Umm I don't know not be in trouble almost everyday of your life ! Ooh how about the fact that your somewhat becoming somewhat of a pothead " my subconscious snapped at me .

Pushing the thought away I yelled for Adaline realizing she was already up the block .

"Wait for me Adaline . I'm the one with the keys !"

"Well hurry up Addison I don't want to miss the Packers game ! So get those long legs of yours to sprint your way over to the car "

I couldn't help but laugh but did as I was told . Trust me you don't want to mess with Adaline and her Green Bay Packers.

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