The moments

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Adaline's POV

I didn't realize I was crying until Addi's hand swiftly wiped away my tears that were beginning to stain my face .

"Ad what's wrong ? Please tell me ? " I can tell that she was hurting too , the fact that I'm not telling her. But I can't tell her I'm too afraid she'll stop bein my friend ! I'm afraid she'll think I'm disgusting by me or a slut because I let the happen to me. So I had to keep that horrible night to myself. I turned my body to the left where Addi was sitting on the swing looked right into her eyes , smiled and said

"I'm fine Addison ! Jeez ! I was just remembering that day we became best friends right here in these swings ! It was probably the best day ever !" I think she believed .

She just looked at me for a minute wondering if she believed me or not before letting out a sly smile. And that's when I knew that she believed every word I said .


"Mom where are we going ?" I don't really feel like going anywhere at this moment I mean after everything that happened I don't really want to do anything . When I got home I literally took ten showers . Shower after shower after shower. And still I couldn't get his scent off me. His touch , his words everything . So at the moment I don't want to go anywhere , I just want to sleep and sleep . That's it .

"Adaline we are going to visit my best friend , it's her birthday and she invited all of us ,so please honey get ready " how could I see no she was practically begging me , maybe if I told her about that night she'll just leave me alone . But I can't do that to her it'll destroy her-

"Yeah of course mom , I'll be down in ten " I gave her the best smile I could muster up and walked up the stairs

"Thank you baby , I love you !" I heard my mom tell up the stairs, I couldn't help but cringe at her calling me baby , that's what he called me , that's what he spat at me every time I would yell for help. "Calm down baby , it'll be alright" Will come to my mind every time someone calls me that one terrifying word.

-------------------------- After and hour of showering again , I had to pick out an outfit that was "acceptable" to my parents . They usually tell me my clothing are a bit scandalous I mean I wouldn't blame them that's probably why he did that to me . But I decided to wear skinny jeans a huge NYU sweatshirt , and blue toms. As for my hair I don't really know what to do with it so I let it dry naturally , it fell into waves just bellow my waist , but I quickly put it into a ponytail. My make up was fine nothing to over the top , just a bit of eyeliner , only because Addi's always told me that my eyes are really scary when I but on my usual eye shadow. So I just didn't do much . I guess I was ready after twenty minutes , so I started to make my way downstairs but caught my reflection in the mirror . I couldn't help but fell disgusted with what I saw . I saw someone who "looked" happy , yeah I know I'm just a fake I'm not happy at all , I can't stand this that's it I'm not going anywhere !

I quickly jogged down the stairs to tell my mother I refused to go but I heard my dad yelling on the phone I couldn't help but stop and listen !

" I can't do this anymore Molly , I'm happy with my wife ! I have a daughter to think about here... Of course I still love you ... But I love Sophia more ... She is my wife !.... Molly I can't anymore goodbye don't call again ... Goodbye" when I heard shuffling around I quickly ran to the kitchen where my mother was standing looking through her purse , once I sat down my dad walked in with a if smile on his face like everything was alright ! Fucking Prick !

"What was that honey ?" Fuck I forgot that I tend to say what's on my mind without actually knowing if , fuck umm think think Adaline

"Oh nothing mom I just came down here to tell you that I wasn't feeling well and I don't plan on going -" and also that I just want to go back to the states to get away from all the fucked up shit that happened to me , which oh I so gracefully I forgot to mention to you . But of course I'm never going to tell you .

"Adaline come on I thought you said you would come please do it for me it's been along time since you've seen Anne , and she has a son your age and a daughter a few years older you won't be bored" she started explaining but I just didn't want to go ...

"Mom please I just don't want to go plea-" but right in the middle of my sentence my dad interrupted me !


"Fine whatever but I'm dressed already so let's go " I sent a glare at my dad which he replied with a smirk stood up walked towards me and said "Adaline get your ass up those stairs and put proper attire ! Now" I guess that was my cue to go change great now I had to wear a dress which meant I had cover up my bruises ! Fuck my life .

As I made my way upstairs I walked into my room and stripped down to nothing but my bra and underwear took out my foundation and started cover my bruises that were visible on my legs . My inner thigh bruises hurt the most I don't notice I was crying until I felt a drop hit my hand . But by this point I was done so I walk to my closet picked a a mid thigh floral dress , my burgundy doc martins and I let down my hair so that the bruise on my upper back weren't visible . I guess I'm done so I walked back downstairs .

"Finally ok now let's go " my dad hollered with an eye roll I walked past him and got into my car .

"Adaline where all going in the same car . What are you doing ?" My mother questioned . Fuck think !

"Oh I just wanted to get something really quick from the store I'll just meet you guys there ok ? " Please say ok , please say ok , please say-

"Ok honey drive safe" yes !

"Ok mom , see you soon"


40 minutes later ...

Yes I've been standing here for the past thirty five minutes. I really don't know what to do , maybe I should just go I'll tell my mom I wasn't feeling to well ! Yup that's it I'll tel her that

"Are you just going to stand there Adaline " I about jumped twenty five feet in the air ! When I turned around I saw this beautiful curly haired boy with piercing green eyes , and lips that just are wow. Jesus what's wrong with me ! Maybe I need to stop gawking at him ! And say something ... Think ! Think ! Think Adaline !

"Um yeah I was going in but sorry who are you ? How do you know who I am ? " I started at him my blue eyes meeting his green eyes .

"Adaline my god, it's me Harry , Harry Styles "

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