That Night

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Addison's POV

"What the actual fuck was that !" Adaline was turning red in the face . I'm guessing because the team she's rooting for the the ball thingy and the other team with the black and yellow shirts caught it instead . I honestly have no idea how she finds this the least bit interesting . Like what's so amazing about seeing grown men "jump" on each other with tights on . Like seriously.

"Adaline could you please not scream on the top of your lungs so my parents wake up" she's completely annoying at the moment .

"Oh hush Addi even your parents know that when It comes to these hot looking, sweat dripping, fat ass having men . I can't help myself " she cooly stated as if the words that just came out of her mouth weren't the lease disturbing .

"Haha but seriously Adaline shut up we have school tomorrow and I have to wake up early for cheer practice " I was excited it was my first year as captain of the varsity team , do I had to be up bright and early ready to meet my new team .

"Ugh I don't get why you like doing that fruit fest" Adaline groaned once again for the past one hundred times since I broke the news to her three weeks ago .

"Adaline it is not a fruit fest cheerleading is a very serious, very energy absorbing sport so don't talk about it !" I raised my voice ever so slightly , but the look on Ad's face was full of surprise.

"Jezz Addi sorry I won't talk about the cheer team again" she raised her hands in defeat.

"Good because cheerleading is a very dangerous sport , even more dangerous than that ridiculous game you play that you have to kick a ball around for ninety minutes ... It's completely pointless" I couldn't help but notice the glare Adaline easy sending in my direction . But I just shrugged it off like it was no-

"TAKE IT BACK NOW " Adaline yelled in my face completely making me lose my train of thought from her fucking tackling me mid way through a thought that I was having .

"What the fuck Ad ... Take what back ?" I spat in response.

She furrowed her eyebrows and her teeth made alittle plea range as she literally growled at me . Wtf ! Is happening.

"SOCCER IS NOT A POINTLESS GAME IT TAKES AGILITY , HAND EYE COORDINATION and not having two left feet !" You can tell she was getting angry . But now I'm pissed !

"Adaline no one freaking cares about girls trying to act like dudes it isn't sexy at all !"

"Oh my god Addison , your such a stupid twat "

What the actual fucks did she just call me a twat.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM ! MATTER OF A FACT GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE ! I NEVER WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN !" I think she knew I was being serious , she just looked at my with her mouth slightly parted from her gasping at my sudden outburst. But I didn't care , she had no right calling me names . So I looked at her right in the eyes and pointed to the door. So she took that as a cue to hop off my bed grab her things and leave . Before she left she took one glance at me , as if she was waiting for me to beg her to stay , but there was no one in hell I was going to forgive her , so I just crossed my arms and looked the order way. Once I heard the door click shut , I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in , and wiped away a tear that escaped from my eye. I can't believe she called me that ! I glanced at the clock it was midnight and I'm pretty sure that no one would pick her up so I guess she had to walk home . The sudden guilt I felt after thinking about how late it was, was enough to call her and tell her to come back.

So I hopped off my bed and called her . It went straight to voicemail. So I'm guessing she doesn't wan to talk to me . Oh well ! So I jumped into bed pulled my head under the duvets and fell into a restless sleep .

Adaline's POV

"Please , please I'm begging you don't do this please " suddenly I felt my shirt being ripped off my and my head hitting the cold concrete floor. It tingled at the first the I felt prickles. And it hurts so much . I know I would see blood pretty soon.

"Shut the fuck up you stupid slut ! You know you like this "

"Please don't do this please !" The words weren't even coming out ! My voice was slurred my head was throbbing ! I can't take this anymore . Maybe if I just go to sleep . Yeah go to sleep . But I couldn't because I felt myself crying out in pain the moment pushed into me . I cried out ,really loudly I and no ones helping me. "Please please stop this please" the moment his hands landed on my face sending hurtful tingles down my body I just laid there limp, I kept quite , I didn't move a muscle as he continued to relentlessly slam into me . I can't believe this is happening to me ! I'm just laying here I don't even know who I am at this point . I need to do something I can't just let him do this to me ! Right before I was about to start screaming he released me ! Hopped up gave me a kiss and ran the opposite direction . I payed there for what seemed like hours. Thinking of all the possible things I could've done in the short eighteen years of my life that justifies what just happened to me. But I couldn't think of anything . Nothing . Well maybe yelling at Addi . I was such a bitch maybe I do deserve this . Should I call her . No she'll just tell her parents I don't know what I should do .

I just layer there looking at the stars counting . I got up to four hundred and fifty when I realized that I was complete naked and shivering . So I sat up and pulled on the clothes that where in my bag . I looked around and couldn't help but let out uncontrollable sobs. I cannot believe I let this happen . Was what I was thinking as I picked up the bloody clothes and threw them in the nearest can that I can find . And I walked and walked and walked.

I walked until my legs buckled underneath me . I realized that I made contact with sand looking up I saw the blue waves crushing into the sand with to much force . I almost wished that they could just take me . Somewhere far away . I looked around and realized that I walked subconsciously to Addi and I's favorite park. It wasn't really a park , because it was on the beach but it was a park. I walked to the blue swing sets and sat on it . Looking to the unknown depths of the ocean .

I sat there for what seems like hours . Staring at the happy people laughing. The kids jumping in the water . But why are they jumping in there now it's like midnight. That's when I looked up and realized the sun was beaming ! How long have I've been sitting here ?

"Excuse me sir what time is it ? " My voice came out alittle hoarse but I'm pretty sure the man heard me because he answered "it's almost three in the afternoon sweetie " wow. I've been out here that long.

"Thank Your Sir" I did my best to give him the best smile that I could muster up . But I can tell he didn't believe my attempt because he just sent me a sad smile and walked away.


An four hours later ...

"Adaline ! my god where have you been ? I've been worried sick about you ! Your parents have been calling? Why didn't you answer your phone? ADALINE ELIZABETH SILVA ANSWER ME FOR GODS SAKE !" that's when I looked up at my angry best friend ! I just stared at her for a minute wondering if I should tell her what happened but I know she would make me tell my parents and I wasn't ready so I just answered her questions

"Addison I just went for a walk this morning ! I did go home last night" what's a little lie ! "But then I couldn't sleep because of the argument we had last night , so I got up early in the morning before my parents woke up and just took a really long walk , and before I knew it I ended up here , and to answer your last question I think I left my phone in your room last night " I think she believed me because she sat down on the swing next to me and started singing our song . Yeah it's weird I know but I think she can tell I was sad about something so she sang the song that would make me cheer up . Just swinging there singing helped me realize that there was no way I was going to keep this secret , but I had to only because I know she would feel guilty , so for now it had to stay a secret !

"to hot goddamn call the police and the fire man"

I had to keep this a secret ! No matter what !

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