Stolen First Kiss

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You were the shy girl in school. You always sat in the back never talked and at lunch you would sit in a corner with your phone not really caring about anyone else you were never really noticed either. Some teachers even asked if you were a new kid if you walked in late. But today you were noticed by someone you hated with a passion. Carter Rynolds.

(Your P.OV.)

I was walking towards my fourth period class when I was pushed into a closet in one of the halls. Before I had time to react I felt a pair of lips on mine. What the heck! whoever this is just stole my first kiss. Great. This dude pulled away while I stood there in shock.

"Hi (Y/N)" Carter said with his devil smirk.

"How do you know my name?" No one knew me, let alone the bad boy of our school. I hate him but he apparently rules the school. I'll confess though he's always had a little piece of me looped around his finger.

"It took a while to find someone who knew you. Your a very mysterious girl you know that baby?" He brought his hand to my cheek and kissed me. I was paralyzed I hate him but when he touches me it makes me go numb. I started to get mad.

"Why the fuck did you kiss me Rynolds??!!" I shouted.

"Oh so you have a feisty side nice what other tempting qualities are you hiding (y/n)"The next thing I did was unknown to me. without thinking I said "this.." and grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him. Soon our sweet little kiss turned into a heated make-out session. I had no idea what to do i've never kissed anyone but all my actions came almost naturally.

We parted and by now 4th period was nearly over. Carter looked up at me and asked me question that flipped my world upside down."(Y/n) will you be my girlfriend?"

"I-I do'nt know..."

"Fine but I wont be leaving till I finish stealing every piece of your heart" he countered.

-8 Months later-

I'm sitting next to Carter at our graduation. We've been friends since that day in the closet but im falling more and more everyday. Carter has been trying every chance he gets to say we would be a great couple and I think its adorable to be honest.

"CARTER RYNOLDS" our principle called him up for his speech. Carter kissed my cheek and ran to the stage.

" Hey fellow idiots who are graduating!" everyone started laughing."CARTAH STOP, DON'T DO THAT" his mother shouted."ha ha ok guys well I just want to say a few things. We all have changed during these four years especially me. see I met this girl who changed me. she flipped my word upside down and before you ask no, were not dating. yet." he mumbled the last part causing those who heard to chuckle." We all had set goals in the beginning of this journey and most of us have achieved these goals but see I hadn't set my goal and I didn't know what I wanted to achieve until about 8 months back when I met (y/n). Now without telling you every secret we have I basically asked her out at the start and got rejected" a bunch of sympathetic aww's came from the crowd."So now some of you may know my goal but if not ill show you (y/n) can you come up to the stage please." You walked up and they shined a purple light across your white dress.

You got on the stage and Carter grabbed your hand and spun you around." Guys this is my goal and I haven't accomplished it but I hope I can do that today." he got down on one knee and everyone gasped as did I. What was he doing?

"(y/n) Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" And with that he pulled a blue box and placed it in the palm of my hand.Everyone was silent even Carter and every eye was on me waiting for me to relieve the suspense.

I looked in Carters eyes and answered his question "Of course Carter" the crowd was screaming and awing as Carter wrapped me in a bone crushing hug and spun me around. When he put me down he spoke into the microphone.

"Im actually in tears! I've waited for her to be mine since day one and she finally is. See the wait was well worth it! Now (y/n) open the box." I looked in the box and there was a charm bracelet with a heart that had Letters engraved C+_ I put my hand over my mouth and started crying this was beautiful. "(y/n) I love you." awes flooded the room " I love you too Carter Our lips connected and just like the first day my body went numb. "CARTAH STOP" his mom shouted again and everyone laughed. I don't regret having my First kiss stolen by him.

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