2 || Complicated

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Morning light shined through the thin blue curtains, giving the walls of Yoongi's bedroom a cold blue hue. You opened your eyes slowly as the rest of your body remained motionless, mainly because you felt someone else's heavy frame resting on top of yours.

The bright daylight piercing through your eyelids only intensified the hammering headache you suffered from. This had possibly been the worst hangover you have had yet; your whole body hurt, you felt awfully nauseous and your mouth and throat were both extremely dry, causing you to let out a small cough. Still, this was to be expected. You had only had like one, two, three... four...

You flinched, the pain in the back of your head had only increased by your fruitless attempt to count the drinks you had had the previous night.

Someone's warm breath brushed over your bare neck from behind you, causing you to turn your head in that same direction. With his disheveled ebony bangs falling over his long eyelids, Yoongi was peacefully sleeping next to you, one hand wrapped around your naked body, the other tucked in under you. The warm touch of his bare chest against your back suggested that he was naked under that blanket as well, and it made your pulse pick up its pace.

Flashbacks from the previous night played through your head, resulting in a wave of both shame and guilt washing over you. You winced, suppressing a quiet groan and the urge to bury your face into the pillow.

Somehow, it seemed that the Universe was playing a sick joke on you. A combination of your ex-boyfriend dumping you for another girl and the endless amount of alcohol in your system had lead you to going to bed with Yoongi, a guy you had been close friends with all through University. That is, until it became clear that he would graduate and you would fail miserably, trying to balance two jobs and a university degree.

Since then, things between you two had become awkward and uncomfortable, and in the past year you hadn't really talked, except on a few occasions when you would accidentally bump into each other in a bar or in the street. It was still strange to you how a person who you had stayed up many nights talking to could drift apart from you so easily, but you figured that was just life getting the best of you.

You had wanted to reach out, to get close to him again, but certainly not in this way.

Looking over at the alarm clock on the night stand, you saw that it was already past 3 pm. Thank God it was your day off that day, otherwise you'd be in big trouble.

You tried crawling out of the bed very cautiously, doing your best not to wake Yoongi up. From what you remembered he was a light sleeper, so even the tiniest noise could wake him up. His arm slid from over your shoulder to the spot on the blanket where your body rested as you sat up straight on the edge of the bed, your hands shooting up to your head as the excruciating headache set in again.

Water was the only thing on your mind at that moment and in a couple of seconds you stood up unsteadily, reaching towards the pile of clothes on a chair nearby, putting on the first thing your hands fell on. You hastily put on one of Yoongi's oversized t-shirts over your head and shuffled into the bathroom, shuddering as your bare feet stepped on the cool tiles.

After taking a sip of the cold liquid inside your dry mouth, you finally dared to take a glance of yourself in the mirror and saw exactly what you had expected. Dark circles hugged your deep brown orbs while the layers of your usually perfectly combed hair stood out in every direction like a rat nest. You were looking like, putting it mildly, a complete train wreck.

It wasn't too hard for you to realize that it was imperative that you go home right away. Dealing with uncomfortable situations has never been your strong suit and this one was quite complicated. In addition to your tremendous hangover, you were completely incapable of handling the mixed emotions a potential conversation with Yoongi would evoke in both of you right now.

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