6 || Hard to Please

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So deep in thought, you hadn't realized you had in fact been standing in front of the massive ebony door for a full minute. The couple of cocktails you had back at the bar while working were slowly starting to leave your system, now making it clear to you how stupid you probably looked.

Confidence had never been a trait of character you'd say you possessed, and by now you had got used to your compulsive habit to always second-guess yourself. This situation was no exception as reality finally set in on you – you were standing in front of a stranger's hotel room, brought there by some inexplicable force of attraction, pulling you in.

Hesitantly, you nibbled on your lip. You reached your arm out unsteadily, landing a cowardly knock on the wood, a knock that was almost inaudible. Your gaze drifted to the watch on your wrist, noting that it was a little bit past 4 am. It was already so late, what if he was in his bed, sleeping soundly?

The more seconds passed, the more foolish you felt. Finally having decided you'd spare yourself the embarrassment of knocking again, you started spinning on your heel to turn around, walk to the elevator and forget you had ever been there in the first place.

The massive door swung open, freezing you in your spot. Taehyung's eyes lit up with the same fire you had observed a while before at the bar, staring you down. He was still in his clothes, much to your relief, and apparently hadn't been sleeping. Another button of his white shirt remained undone, now offering you an even deeper view of his toned chest.

"Hey," he greeted, his lips curled in a little smirk. There was no surprise whatsoever on his face while he observed you calmly, as though he had been expecting for you to come. Actually, no – as though he had been absolutely sure you'd be there. He moved to the side, making way for you to enter the room. "Come on in."

"So this is your temporary home, huh?" you grinned awkwardly in a pitiful attempt to break the ice. It was a lot easier talking to him in the bar, where the lights were dim and the music was booming, and most importantly – there was alcohol. Now, as your impending sobriety slowly took over you, you were struck by the realization that you really had no idea what to say or do. Truth be told, you being there in that room was a surprise for you as well.

Taehyung closed the door behind you and shuffled to stand next to you, his hands in his pockets and his head slightly cocked to the side. "Yeah," he shrugged. "It's alright."

Saying the room was "alright" was a vast understatement. Properly speaking, it wasn't so much "a room" as it was an enormous suite that was probably more spacious than the apartment you and Shan shared. You gulped at the sight of the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, the fancy decor, the laced vintage curtains and the luxurious furniture at the seating area. Your eyes darted to the king size bed in antique French style, not a single wrinkle on its cover as if no one had ever slept there.

As you wordlessly admired your surroundings, Taehyung had stepped to an antique glass cupboard on the wall to your right, his steps on the soft beige carpet not making a single sound.

"If this is alright to you, I have no idea what it would take for you to be satisfied," you grinned as you turned around to face him.

"Well, I consider myself a man who's very hard to please," Taehyung said, tilting his head to the side and eyeing you from head to toe, giving off a superior leer. He then broke the eye contact, causing you to automatically search his gaze so that you could look into those deep chocolate orbs again.

Taehyung reached into the glass cupboard and took out a bottle of wine, swiftly unfolding the corkscrew and inserting it into the cork. He started twisting with one hand, the other gripping tightly on the bottle. With a single brief motion, he pulled the handle of the corkscrew, the cork lifting from the bottle with a slight pop.

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