The Movie

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they walk to Izzy's room for the movie Alec lays down on the couch he pulls Issa down on top of him what Izzy why are you looking at us like that Issa asked looking at her Nothing at all girlie Izzy states are you sure Izzy Jace asked before turning back to the movie the last witch hunter why the fuck are we watching this movie Issa asked because Jace wanted to watch this movie so blame him Simon snapped back Issa walked up to Jace and slapped him across the face What the fuck is wrong with you bitch Issa yelled in his face and walked out slamming the door behind her what the fuck was that huh Simon Jace shot at him this was the last movie her and her other best friend Matt watched before he died from cancer Simon says standing up he walks out to find clary welp fuck Jace shouts Alec walks out with Izzy and Jace they go to the greenhouse and saw Issa and Simon sitting there watching the flowers bloom so Simon I know you are Bisexual Issa explained looking everywhere but him how did you know Simon asked I see the way Jace looks at you and I see the way you look at Jace I think you two would be cute if you two were a couple and I know Jace likes you like that and how I know is I can see it every time you are here so don't even try to lie to me you hear me MR. LEWIS I will take no lies, Issa States standing and look at Simon WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE TO CLARISSA ANGEL GRACE FAIRCHILD IT HAS TO BE ALEC HE HAS CHANGED YOU Simon yelled while falling over shocked the three laughs Issa turns her head and saw them standing there WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE STANDING THERE THE WHOLE TIME AND YOU HEARD EVERYTHING Issa yelled while falling over shocked yes we did Simon and Issa Jaces says back she stood back up dusting herself off same with Simon Jace walks over to Simon and Kisses him Issa's eyes widened in surprise she starts backing up and ends up backing up into Alec's chest Hi there cutie Alec smirks wrapping his arms around her they walk out with Simon and Jace trailing behind them they go back to Izzy's room Alec and Issa walks to the couch and lays back down halfway through the movie Issa falls asleep with her face in Alec's neck Alec looks down at her and smiles he falls asleep on the couch Izzy stands up and puts a blanket on top of them

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