Chapter 12

785 13 6

At The Marriott

Harry, Harrison, Paddy, and Sam, all go to wait by the elevator. It opens up and they get in, leaving you and Tom alone. You're still curious what Paddy meant by "Discussing life and stuff". Could it have meant something about Tom?

Saturday: 9:15 am

Y/N: They left

Tom: Do you want to know what they were talking about?

Y/N: I'll let it slide unless you want to tell me

Tom: Let's forget that happened

Y/N: Deal

Y/N: But just this once

Tom: Ok

Y/N: One of my friends wanted to ask you something

Tom: Mhm

Y/N: Promise you'll answer honestly?

Tom: I swear on my role of Spiderman

Y/N: Ok...

Y/N: Are you single?

Tom: Make sure she doesn't tell anybody, but yes

Y/N: How?

Y/N: Your sweet, humble, famous, and cute

Tom: It's cause I'm always traveling and I live in London

Tom: So far from everybody else in the world

Y/N: It's not that far

Tom: Easy for you to say

Y/N: No it's not

Y/N: I live in the middle of nowhere and it's made it almost impossible for me to pursue my dream of becoming an actress

Tom: I—I'm sorry... I didn't know

Y/N: No, forget about it

Y/N: I'll just go

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