Chapter 27

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Watching The Movie

You watched most of the film, silently, either snuggling or kissing. You loved how he covered your eyes whenever somebody died. You were nearing the end of the film, when he yawned, laid down, and seemed like the had fallen asleep.

Saturday: 9:54 pm

Y/N: Tom?

Tom: *no response*

Thanos(on tv): *snaps fingers*

Spiderman(on tv): *depressing scene were he died that caused many people depression and sadness including mine*

Y/N: *quietly sobs, balling eyes out, and tears streaming down face*

Tom: *hugs you and wipes your tears*

Tom: You cried for me

Y/N: Still just Spiderman

Tom: I love you

Y/N: *continues to watch movie as tears slowly trickle down face*

Tom: Babe, stop crying for them

Y/N: Oh shut up you

Tom: Why?

Y/N: Because I told you too

Tom: Thats a good enough reason

Y/N: *smile and lay down to fall asleep*

Tom: Hey? What are you doing?

Y/N: Trying to sleep, you?

Tom: Keeping you awake

Tom: *kisses you and places hand around your waist*

Y/N: What are you doing Thomas?

Tom: Didn't I already tell you?

Tom: Keeping you awake

Y/N: Forget it

Y/N: *kiss him and place your hands on his bare chest*

Tom: *kisses back after turning off the lamp*

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