Chapter 31

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Los Angeles, California
May 20

"You straight G, don't even worry about me." I poured the peroxide on my leg and gritted my teeth before having him wrap it up again. I couldn't even let Onika know I got shot again. I told her nothing would happen to me and look what the fuck happens. I got the worst damn luck.

"You cannot go home tonight. You better hurry up and call Onika and tell her."

I shook my head. "I'll call her when I get back from the store, I'm not about to sleep in these bloody clothes."

Kennedy came into the living room and when she saw me, started screaming. "Taylor what the fuck?! Are you out of your fucking mind!? What did you do?!"

"Be quiet Kennedy."

"I'm not gon' be quiet. Where is Onika? Does she even know about any of this?"

"No. She just knows I went with him to handle business." I hissed, standing up. "You can't tell her though, I know you know how my fiance is. She's out of her damn mind."

"And I'm out mine too. Who did y'all think y'all were 'bout to marry? I'm calling her 'cause y'all think y'all can sneak and Taylor, you're definitely in trouble."

I rolled my eyes. That was one thing that I hated about Kennedy. She opened her mouth way too damn much. Nobody asked her to tell Onika shit but they're best friends because of us, I get it. I just wish she would consider how we feel about it.

As soon as she got on the phone with Nika, she looked at me. After awhile of her nodding her head, humming, and telling Onika what I had gotten into, she handed me the phone and I sighed. Here it goes.


"Don't e-"

"No! I told you I didn't want you to go, I knew something would happen Beyonce. You're talking about me listening when you're the one that needs to listen. I get the fucking loyalty thing but we both knew something would happen! What the fuck is your problem Beyonce?!"

"Nothing is wrong with me and I didn't know anything would happen to me, plus it doesn't even hurt. I told you not to worry."

"Where did you get shot?"

"Where else? These bitches have no aim. The bullet wasn't even for me, it was for Taylor but like I said, these bitches have no aim."

"Does that answer my question? Please stop dancing around shit, this is not the time. Where did you get shot?"

"My leg."

"Come home. Cavalli is asleep and she will ask you where you were in the morning, be prepared now. Get your lie ready because I'm not doing it for you anymore. You need to stop doing this to us. You have an entire family to worry about and you're out here in the streets again? Over some loyalty? Be-"

"I'm coming home. I'll be there soon."


The moment I opened the door, Onika wanted to be mad but she started crying. I wanted to hug her, tell her I wouldn't do it again but she wouldn't let me.

She took me by the hand, shutting the door behind me. I followed her into our bedroom bathroom, watching her fill the tub with warm water and soap. Following instructions, I undressed slowly and got in.

She sat at the edge of the tub and the flashbacks came.

She ran bath water then came back to get me, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around her then took off the only piece of clothing covering my body. She put me in the bath and sat next to it, leaning her head on it.

"Don't act shy nigga, get in."

"No 'cause then I'mma wanna fuck. I'm straight right here."

It was like an hour of me soaking in the tub and she didn't get on her phone, fall asleep, or try to touch me not one time.

"You can't keep doing this Bey. This hurts." She had her head laying on the bed, I could hear her crying. That hurt more.

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not. It keeps happening. You're pushing me away, every time I try to get close to you, you go off to do something like this. Something bad happens, someone pops up, you shut me out, you wanna have sex to hide it but it can't be covered up. There's more than space between us. What is going on?"

"Nothing." I tried to sit up but the pain came and I winced. "Nothing is going on. I just needed to do this one thing. It's not gonna happen again."

"You keep saying that." Her voice cracked. "But you can't tell me that knowing you'll do it again. It's us or that. You can't have both. One of these days, the past is gonna repeat itself and the baby inside me, Cavalli, and I are going to get hurt. You'll have no one to blame but yourself because you wanted to go back into the stupid street shit."

I lifted her head and wiped her tears away. She was all red. I just wanted to take this hurt away from her.

"I'm sorry Nika, I'm so sorry. I promise you, I'm finished. I'm out. I'm done."

"What happens when Pretty Boy needs another favor or Joseph needs one? I love them but fuck them. I can't lose you to this, our children can't lose you to this. We deserve more. We deserve better."

The silence was killing the both of us, I could tell. I couldn't tell her anything else, promise her anything else. I knew I was hurting her and I keep making promises that I can't keep.

"I worry every night that you're not next to me, I worry that you're out there dying. This is why I didn't want to fall in love with you. The constant worry is too much. I can't sleep if you're not safe. Beyoncé please." Her eyes pierced me. I couldn't turn away from her. "I love you but I will leave you. This is not worth it. I would rather go on about my life than watch you kill yourself in a world where you think you're invincible. I'm like a broken record talking to you. It's your choice. Listen to me and leave this shit alone or not have a wife and kill yourself."

Before she left, she turned back. "This time, I'm completely done. I won't come back."

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