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    I used to complain all the time on how much I hated my brother waking me up by playing fortnite with his friends, or the sun literally bursting through my window... but now, I'd sell my soul to wake up like that.

       Instead, I'm here. In this nasty run down room. A literal square with a metal bed and gross green paint that's barely visible due to the paint chipping. The ground was concrete. Not even a rug by the bed, just concrete. At least there were no stains... yet I wouldn't be surprised if they were to paint over it or something.

      My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the metal door. A female nurse then opened the door and I sat up in the bed. It squealed like four times with just that movement. I shook the thought out of my head so I wouldn't think about how disgusting this place was for the next 24 hours.

" It's group time. You don't have to talk if you don't want too but it'd be nice to hear from other people dont you think?" She said in a gentle tone. I shrugged my shoulders.

She sat on the end of my bed and it made a sound as if it broke.

"Honey, being here doesn't make you some kind of freak. If anything, you're more normal than most. Almost everyone just shrugs off their problems and conditions and gets high or drunk to ease the idea of it being real. But at the end of the day, all their problems are still there, along with everyone else's. You're here to be properly treated. You'll get used to it." She smiles and places her hand on my knee that was cover by the so called 'blanket'.

She sighed and then walked to the door to exit the room. Before she leaves she speaks again,

" Take your medicine hun, it will only make you better." She smiled and closed the door.

I looked at the small window that was placed by the barred window. I shivered looking at that window. Thinking of all of the people who looked at that window as I did. Those who pursued beyond that window. To be normal, to escape out of this hell hole, to die...

I have never once considered taking my life. I don't take the easy way out. If I have to deal with this, I am going to deal with it and eventually get over it and I will be cured.

Perhaps that is why I don't take the medicine. I want to handle this alone. I want to conquer my own battles. I know I most likely will never be cured, but who would I be not to try?

I stood up out of the bed and immediately, a shockwave of chills throughout my body.

Curse these concrete floors.

I put some warm knee high socks on and walked out of the room to find where the group session was being held.

They don't lock the room doors until night, or if you could be at risk to others.

I may be see things, but I've never hurt somebody with them. Made them uncomfortable, probably, but never hurt.

I walked past many rooms, some dark and secluded, and some bright and home like. It pains me to know people have to stay here for so long.

I don't know when I am going to leave. I've been here for about four hours and I already want out.

*Five hours earlier *

My dad came home and my mom went down to the police station to sort some things out. I have no clue what they could be discussing, what my consequences are.

I sat on the couch and stared at the black T.V. screen because I couldn't do anything else. I was scared to move.

The front door opened and my mom walked through. She looked exhausted. It had been about an hour since the scene and things haven't really died down, for my brain at least.

She took her purse off her shoulder and placed it on the table behind the smaller couch along with her car keys.

She sat down where I was sitting but I didn't look at her and she didn't look at me.

"Jess," I averted my gaze off of the T.V. and to her anxious to hear what she was going to say next.

" You're therapist came by and spoke with us along with some of the officers." She looked down and scratched her temple.

" We all made the executive decision to have you spend some time at Ridge Way." Her last words made my body shake.

" D- do I get a say in this?" My voice shakes asking. I knew I didn't but maybe?

She shook her head.

" Jess, honey, this is the best for you and for your health . Things have only gotten worse and they're only going to get even more worse." She told me.

I stood up and shook my head.

" I should get a say in this Mom!!" I whispered yelled at her fighting back the tears at hanging in my eyelids.

She looked away.

" This will just make it worse Mother! I AM NOT CURABLE!" I broke.

My dad rushed down the stairs and engulfed me in a hug as I cried into his shoulder.

My parents have been dealing with this for about five years now. Everything was great.

I lived the best childhood. Wrestling with my brother and dad, watching Disney Channel and sang and danced to every single song.

Back when you were normal.


Who would have guessed that you'd turn about to be a mental patient.

I'm getting help.

Help with what? Only beneficial thing there is you. Alone.

You're family deserves a break. They need the relief.

It's true.

I'm ruining everyone around me.

I'm better here.

I'm better off gone.


This was kind a filler to everything that happened after the event and all that.

also, the bolded words are Jess's voice that she has that kinda bullies her sooo yeah.

Until next time graysonsuckmytoeanators,


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