Chapter 1

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Two years it had taken them.

Two years it took for the heroes to find one of their own, one who had been captured by the infamous villain know to everyone as All for One. The man who lurked in the shadows and let his League of Villains cause chaos, yet he kidnapped the recently graduated hero Tenko Shimura by himself, while the hero was on a minor mission, one that wouldn't have required another hero to have been around.

It hadn't been noticed until someone in the agency that he worked for noticed that Shimura hadn't called in after half an hour, the case wasn't regarded to take that long, and when a hero that was near the area came to where Shimura was last seen, they found decayed sections of walls, almost like Tenko had been panicking to get away, and yet if he had he didn't seem to have made a call for back up. Until they found a clue as to who took him, which scared everyone who knew of All for One and had faced off against him in the past.

All Might had been desperate to start looking, as was the retired hero Gran Torino, both had the boy's best interests to heart, yet the retired hero already knew that they had little to go on, so he took on the Number 1 Hero out of the police building, he needed to calm down because he wasn't helping with anything.

Instead they left it up to the detectives and the 2nd Ranked Hero Endeavor, the flame hero, although there was animosity between the two heroes, although it was mainly on Endeavor's side of things, given how envious he was of All Might and regardless of how hard he tried he could never seem to reach the same heights as he did. Of course, just because there was tension between the two heroes didn't mean that he wouldn't be completely focused on this task at hand. Besides this wasn't just about All Might, this was also about Inko Midoriya and her son Izuku who had been distraught about Tenko's kidnapping, although from what Endeavor and a few of the other heroes who had interactions with the Midoriya's, Izuku kept the hope alive that Tenko was okay, and his faith in the heroes working on the case renewed their own efforts to work that bit harder.

Inko had blamed herself, although Endeavor had no idea how to comfort her, instead he let his sidekick Dabi deal with instead.

Though the young hero could barely manage, internally at least, on the outside he seemed calm and spoke to Mrs Midoriya about what the heroes were going to do, that they would keep her up to-date, as well as a few heroes keeping an eye on them just in case the villains tried to target them as well.

Dabi was enraged as they left the apartment, so much so that Endeavor had to talk to him being able to feel the heat from him.

"Calm down, it wouldn't look good on anyone if you burn down the street."

It was gruff, blunt and something that the red haired sidekick should have expected. "How can I?" He shot the man a sharp glare, this wasn't something he could distance himself from, this was one of their own, this was his friend. "He's you sidekick too, why are you not more..." He trailed off when he felt that heat come over him, although he was fully aware that his flames were hotter, he still had to learn how to control them without burning his skin off.

"Don't assume that I am not angry about this, but that isn't going to help the situation, that won't help Shimura. Take your anger, let it out during training, but when you are working you have to have a clear head. Understand?" He didn't wait for him to reply, just walked on, with Dabi following from behind.

Many things had happened during those two years that they were looking for Tenko. Dabi had become strong with his quirk use, although it had damaged his skin, causing him to have deep scars on his face and chest, but he could now use his quirk efficiently as he figured out how to have the heat burn villains instead of himself.

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