Chapter 4

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After being in the cabin for a week, training often, pausing only to eat, nap or enjoy the sunrise and set, he returned to the villains via Kurogiri's warp quirk.

Instead of being in front of Master as he normally was after punishments, he found himself in the bar. It was different to the last one, this one smelt really bad, it wasn't simply alcohol, although that certainly lingered in the air, but there was the added combination of sweat, mould and most likely something that was rotting in the walls.

Tomura felt sick, but he kept it together, knowing that he just had to deal with it.

His days were now varied, although going outside was still a no.

His training had become more intense, yet he wasn't being punished any more, as Tomura Shigaraki had become fully aware of the role he was to play for him, and he was completely submissive to his Master, anything he commanded him to do and he would do it without question.

The training now was on his quirk, along with building up his speed and working on his fighting ability. The only one that was tougher was the speed, yet the training was varied and it never felt very clear as to what was being worked on. Of course that could have been the whole idea.

Every day he was facing off against a few low life villains, none of who realised that they were there on the behalf of Master, they just thought they were going to fight a fallen hero for easy money. Yet while they tried to kill him, Tomura couldn't find it within himself to do the same, instead he injured them enough so that they were unable to fight back and Kurogiri would have to remove them himself, disappointed that the future successor for All for One wasn't willing to kill the lowlifes of villainy. All for One had no such feelings, because Tomura Shigaraki was still hurting them.

The training lasted all day, from what he could guess from the grumblings of the other villains was that it lasted between 9 and 12 hours a day. It always depended on All for One's mood and how well Tomura was doing during training. If he was doing exceptionally well, he would either get a longer break or finish up early, if not then his breaks lasted two minutes at a time before a villain would attack him from behind. His training also involved in him fighting without activating his quirk, because he could end up fighting a hero like Eraserhead and he would need to be able to fight without it, of course that part was easy enough to accomplish, he learned how to do that, under his own thought process back at UA, it was how he never killed any of the villains during his training.

At the end of each day he was usually too exhausted to help the injured parties out of the room, and to begin with he would pass out, being warped out of the area and left lying face down in his bedroom.

It was a lesson of sorts, that Kurogiri would be there for him, but in the end he had to rely solely on himself. That was the way of life for a villain after all, no one could trust anyone else around there, they only cared about their own selfish goals.

So Tomura has little choice but to move faster, hit harder and be more focused than anyone else around him, because he was going to take over the mantel of his Master. He was going to prove to all the villains that he was the on who would rule in the shadows, and they would all come to him for power and to gain wealth.

It was still exhausting. He never got more than a few hours rest per day, and he wondered if this was how Eraserhead felt, he wanted to sleep but he couldn't, there was always something else going on, something that he had to focus on, even if he wanted to eat he didn't always have time to do so, there was always something more important for him to be working on instead of taking care of himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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