Chapter 2

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Dabi had stayed the night, but then he had to leave to go on patrol and train with his father, leaving Tenko alone. Yet he didn't mind, because he was going to have to face Eraserhead, Aizawa. His head was overthinking everything, and as much as he tried to stop it, to remind himself that everything would be fine, he knew that it wouldn't be, because Aizawa was logical, he would see through him and he didn't know what to do when he realised that truth about him.

He wasn't a hero any more.

Stepping out of his room he was startled to find that the man was waiting for him, leaning against the pillar at the window that was across from his room.

"Huh... I thought I would have gotten some time to myself outside of my room." Tenko commented with some bitterness in his tone.

Aizawa took note of it, but never mentioned it. "I considered it, but this is a new private hospital. I almost got lost here, it wouldn't do to have an actual patient get lost."

Tenko chuckled at that, the fact that Aizawa himself was suggesting that he would get lost was laughable. "Really? I think it would be impossible for you of all people to get lost."

The older hero smiled slightly. "Most think that. I just make sure I know exactly where I am going." He didn't need to comment that Tenko looked almost as exhausted as he felt, he was certain the young man already knew, besides that wouldn't help him in the long run either. He lead him to a rather spacious room, it was light and airy, with a good view over the city and a drinks bar, though Tenko was certain everything there was non alcoholic. "All right, so, what do you want to talk about?" He sat down on one of the plush seats and the periwinkle haired man just stared at him, startled.

"What do I want to talk about? I thought this was to talk about the... the..." He felt sick, he sat down given how light headed he had become.

"You don't have to talk about that if you're not ready to. I'm not here to force you in that topic. I am here to listen, if you choose to talk about it, then fine, but it's not something we need right now."

It wasn't true, Aizawa was requested by the higher-up's to get all the information from Tenko in regards to All for One as soon as possible. They didn't care about the young hero and the trauma he had been through, they wanted results.

Aizawa was the wrong hero to put onto this case, he wasn't going to let Tenko be sacrificed just because they wanted information. All for One hadn't made any fresh attacks, it was clear he was lying low for the moment, they had time.

"I... thank you." He leaned back in the seat and let out a shuddering breath, surprising Aizawa who looked at the young man who now appeared to be barely holding it together. "I can't talk to anyone about this... I don't want to worry anyone, mum wouldn't understand, Dabi... he's... I don't think he fully gets that I'm not the same person as I was before... yet he's not alone in wanting things to go back to the way they were before, I do too. But I don't think I can..." He rubbed his face and groaned. "Because too much happened when I was there."

"We can discuss Dabi if you'd rather." Aizawa made the offer, because he knew how much Tenko like to talk about his best friend, at least he had in the past.

"I would... I would like to just bitch about him, but that's the easy way out isn't it?" Those red eyes, still blood shot, still looking tired and yet there was something else there, Tenko wanted to talk about his experience. "I know I can just talk and you'll listen... or sleep, and I don't feel judged." He flushed as he said that and bit his lip. "Not meaning to talk badly about Nedzu..."

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