Chapter 7

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Few months later - Friday

Ecstasy finally arrives at Hashmore High School and enters the classroom, she notices that the teacher haven't arrived yet and feels lucky because she is late again. She sits beside with her friends while smiling, but her friends are feeling down all the sudden. She curiously asks them "Hey guys, what's going on?" and everyone is not responding until Marty replied "Our music teacher had an accident last night and now he is being replaced with someone new". Ecstasy stops smiling and feels pity for the music teacher.

Drake enters the classroom and sees his buddies calling his name out, then went to sit with them. Beverly immediately leaves her chair and confronts him "Babe, about that text last night. You don't mean that, right?" and Drake replied "I do. Maybe it's for the best time". Beverly is flabbergasted and gets angry, then turn around and went to her chair. Zack, Joseph and Damien ask him "What was that about?" and Drake said that he doesn't wants to talk about it.

The new music teacher finally arrives to the classroom and introduces himself as Luigi Balthazar. He gives the students a little insight about him that he is from Italy and he used to be an orchestra coordinator. He also mentioned about their previous music teacher and wished for him to get soon, then he begins the class by teaching them about the history of music.

While the teacher is discussing in front and holding a book, Beverly couldn't focused on his discussion and decided to write a letter on a piece of paper. She throws it at the back and landed on Drake's chair, he reads the letter and it says "You shouldn't have done that to me. I think you made a mistake". Drake snubs and made a comment on the letter, then throws it to Beverly's chair but it accidentally hit the back of her hair.

Mr. Luigi Balthazar yells "What's that?" and Beverly replied "Nothing sir" in a calm voice, the teacher continues his discussion and Beverly turns around and looks angry at Drake. Beverly reads the letter and it says "The only mistake I ever made was being your boyfriend. Sorry". After reading the letter, Beverly aggressively crumple the paper and torn it into pieces while Drake is watching whatever she's doing from the back.

After discussing the history of music and labeling musical instruments in addition, Mr. Luigi Balthazar heard the bell ring and dismissed the students. The students left the classroom and went to their next subject, which is Art Class.
While walking to the next classroom, Beverly drags Chrystal and Vivian to the girls bathroom, where they talk about what happened last night.

Vivian: Woah! Slow down, girl. What's wrong?
Beverly: I'll tell you what's wrong! Drake broke up with me last night.
Chrystal: (shocked and covers her eyes instead her mouth)
Vivian: Oh my God. Seriously?
Beverly: Yeah!
Vivian: How did he break up with you?
Beverly: Through text. Last night, we were having a wonderful conversation until he sent me this (opens her phone and showed it to them.
Chrystal: (looks at his message and read the text) "Babe, I want you to know that I need some space right now" and then you said "What do you mean, babe?" and then he said "I want us to take a break" (shocked)
Vivian: (angry) That son of a bitch!
Beverly: I know right! I give him whatever he desires and I don't why he wants to end it that way.
Chrystal: Maybe you did something wrong or what?
Beverly: Ah! No way. I maybe mean and selfish but I'm not a bitch.
Vivian: How do you feel right now?
Beverly: enraged, depressed and heartbroken. I feel like dead inside or like when someone stabbed my heart, rip it apart and threw it in the dumpster or better yet...
Vivian: (annoyed and snobs) Okay okay! We get the point.
Chrystal: What you gonna do about it?
Beverly: I'm going to talk to him personally and asks him why because he wasn't online after he said that "he needs a break" last night.
Ecstasy: (leaving the toilet) Um...
Beverly: What! How long you been standing there? You heard everything didn't you?
Ecstasy: No...
Beverly: Unbelievable.
Ecstasy: Look I know he broke your heart...
Beverly: Damn right, he did!
Ecstasy: Have you considering moving on? Or find someone much better than him.
Beverly: Oh, no, no! I'm not a type of girl who "moves on", no! Fuck to the no! But let me ask you this... are you at my side or not?
Ecstasy: Of course I am.
Beverly: Good.

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