Chapter 1

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C H A P T E R  1

 "Case closed." Called the judge,

I got up from my seat, smiled and turned to my left, where an overjoyed woman was close to tears. "Congratulations Anne, looks like you've received $50,000 from this settlement." 

"Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you! I can't believe we won!" My client Anne Hudson said. 

"It's my pleasure, I'll see you soon okay?" I said while giving her a hug. 

"Absolutely!" she turned around to leave and I started to gather all my court papers and placing them back in my Louis Vuitton bag. 

"We're not done here," a man said. I turned my head and of course, there was Mitchell Martin. The man who just lost $50,000. My client, Anne, had just sued Mitchell and his restaurant "Fast Burger", $50,000 after Anne's brother had eaten a burger there and had a serious case of food poisoning, putting him in the hospital and almost killing him. Turns out, this was the fifth food poisoning case in the past year that occurred thanks to "Fast Burger". After an inspector came to check their kitchen, he found out it was extremely unsanitary and most of their chefs hadn't even gone through the course that was required to learn how to cook these simple burgers, so most of the burgers they were serving were raw. Which put five people in the hospital, and finally one, Anna, decided to take legal action and sue the place. 

"I'm sorry, but maybe if you had put in a little more effort into the quality of your food, than five people wouldn't have been on the brink of death and "Fast Burger" would still be open right now." I said.

 "As I just said, we're not done here," Mitchell turned and left with his lawyer standing behind him. It wasn't my fault he was so careless with the way he treated his food and customers.

 I left the courtroom with the feeling I always got after winning a case, pride. I walked down the hall and left the building on my way back to Khan Corporation, the law firm I'm partnered with.

 The second I walked outside, I was greeted by a mob of photographers and reporters.

 "There she is! Gwen Winter!" one reporter said.

 "Over here Gwen, smile for People Magazine!" a photographer yelled.

 I smiled.

 "Whose suit are you wearing today?"

 "Dolce and Gabbana," I said randomly, not sure who had just asked me.

 "Is it true you're in a relationship with one of the senior partners at Khan Corp.?" a reporter shoved a microphone into my face.

 "I never mix work with pleasure, it just leads to disaster." I grinned, pleased with my answer.

 "So you speak from experience? Have you already gone through heartbreak at Khan Corp.?" another reporter asked. Reporters were incredibly nosy and this was just getting out of hand, I needed to get away and get back to Khan, I was already three minutes late, and that's time and money that was being lost. I shoved my way out, smiling as much as I could for the photographers and hailed a taxi.

 "Khan Corporation please." I said, photographers still snapping photos and reporters still trying to ask me questions through the glass window. "Hurry please," I added.

 "Yes Ms. Winter," the taxi driver said. Of course he knew who I was. Whenever people saw an attorney leaving court successfully with tons of photographers and reporters trailing her, it could only mean one thing. Gwen Winter has won again. 


 I paid the cab driver and walked into Khan Corporation passing by another crowd of photographers and I was immediately greeted by other attornyes.

"Gwen!" my assistant Phillip came over as I pushed the "up" button to get on the elevator, just as one opened right behind me.

"Your usual," he said and handed me my love.

"Double chocolate chip frappuchino, absolutely perfect!" I said, grinning a little immaturely at my assistant who knew me too well. Starbucks was my love and it was no secret, I always got the same drink every morning and since I despised the taste of coffee and adored the taste of chocolate, obviously the double chocolate chip frap was to be my signature drink.

 The elevator doors opened and I was once again greeted by partners and other associates. I hear choruses of people congratulating me.

 "Thank you," I say, speed walked to my office already 13 minutes late which was completely unacceptable.

Once I reach my office, someone walks out.  "Great job today with "Fast Burger"," said Emily Williams, "Gardner wanted me to give you your next case, I placed it on your desk," she said.  Emily was an attorney up for partnership this week. She was trying extra hard to please everyone because if she made partner, she'd be the second youngest to ever make partner with Khan Corp. (she's 25 and her birthday's 3 months after mine) which would be a huge deal but not as huge a deal as my partnership was.

 "Oh, okay thanks," I said, normally Philip would bring me my next case.

 I opened my office door and collapsed into my chair. I was exhausted. It's tough being the youngest and one of the most successful attorney's at Khan Corporation.

 "Knock, knock," a voice said from outside my door.

 "Come in," I said, already knowing who it was.  

 "I heard what went down with the "Fast Burger" case," my boss Gardner entered my office, "Congratulations, another success for Gwen Winter,"

 "Thank you sir," I said with a smile on my face.

 "You're quickly becoming one of the best lawyers Khan Corporation has ever seen," he continued, "We're all very, very impressed with your work. I'll let you get back to your work; I left you another lawsuit on your desk early this morning involving a very important client."

 "Again, thank you so much sir," I said amazed, as he left and shut the door. I tried to keep my cool, but this was incredible! Gardner rarely gave out such compliments and to say that I was one of the best at Khan? I seriously deserved a pat on the back. Funny, how he didn't mention Emily as the one who left it on my desk.

 I was the youngest woman to have ever made partner at Khan Corporation, three years ago at 23, Pierre miraculously made partner at Khan and he became a celebrity, a literal celebrity. He appeared on Oprah and wrote his own book on how to achieve success at a young age and after a few short months; he earned a "New York Time bestselling book" stamp.

 I graduated high school at 14; university at 18, law school at 22 became an attorney and partnered with Khan a few months ago at age 25. When most people hear this they immediately ask me "OMG, so you're like really smart, right?" I prefer the term gifted. I've always strived for excellence in my academic career and don't settle for anything less than perfection. I always make sure things go my way and I'm also terrific at arguing so naturally being a lawyer was the career for me and it all worked out fabulously. I'm the youngest woman to have ever partnered with Khan Corp. and I also am one of the best with a success rate of 90%. You could say I'm some sort of a genius.

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