Chapter 16

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C H A P T E R  16

“I’m can’t even explain how sorry I am,” Mrs. Treaty said in between tears, “I lost her on my watch,” She leaned against a wall to stop herself from falling over. The poor woman was distraught.

 “It’s okay, Mrs. Treaty. It’s not your fault. We’ll find her,” I looked her straight in the eye trying to convince both her and me that that was true.

 “I really hope you do, I could never forgive myself if you didn’t” She apologized again.

 “Don’t worry about it; we’re going to go to a few of her favourite spots and look for her there, I’m sure we’ll find her.” Charlie said hoping to calm down Mrs. Treaty before she had a panic attack. Just as I grabbed Aaron’s hand to leave, it started pouring rain. We ran towards the car and took shelter.

 “I don’t understand, it’s her birthday why would she run away?” I asked Charlie as I shut the passenger door beside me.

 “She seemed so happy this morning. Aaron did anything happen to upset at while you were at the Treaty’s house?” He asked him.

 “No, I have no idea why should would leave.” He said innocently and slightly scared.                 

“She was kidnapped! We need to call the police, give me your phone; I left mine in my purse at home!” I asked Charlie.

 “Think this through Gwen, if we call the police Valerie and Adam are going to ballistic. I doubt she was kidnapped. She probably just went to the park,” Charlie drove off in that direction.

 “How do you know she wasn’t kidnapped?! She could be trapped in an old man’s basement being tortured for all we know!” I cried.

 “Gwen, calm down. It’s 2:30 in the afternoon; no one would kidnap a child in broad daylight. The neighbours would have heard a girl screaming if she had been kidnapped. I’m sure we’ll find her.” He said and tried to calm me down. “Let’s all just try to brainstorm some ideas of places she’d be because she’s not at the park,” He said while looking out the window. Through the rain you could see the park was totally deserted.

 “Maybe she ran off after it started raining and went back to the Treaty’s?” I asked hopeful.

 Charlie shook his head, “Mrs. Treaty would’ve called me,”

 “Maybe she went back home,” I tried again,

 “Doubtful, she doesn’t know the way from the park to the house,” Charlie said. We couldn’t figure out a single place that she might’ve gone to.

 “Um, I think I might know where she could’ve gone,” Aaron said quietly,

 Charlie and I both spun around towards the back seat where Aaron sat and said in unison


 “Gwen, do you remember when you told us a few days ago that you were going to take us on our birthday to watch that Disney movie?”

 “Oh no! I completely forgot! She has to be there! It’s only a few minutes walk.” I stared shocked. How could I not have thought of this sooner!

 “Where? Would someone please tell me where my niece is?!” Charlie yelled frustrated stopping the car and refusing to drive until someone told him where Violet was.

 “The movie theatre!” I slapped a hand onto my forehead.


“Two adults, one child,” I said, ordering our tickets. I pulled out some cash that I thankfully still had tucked inside one of my jean pockets but Charlie stopped me,

 “I’ve got it,” Charlie said as he pulled out his wallet.

 “No, it’s nothing! I’ll pay!” I pushed back his wallet as he tried to pay.

 “You’re the one that was smart enough to figure out where Violet is, I insist on paying, it’s the least I can do.” Charlie said pulling out a few bills.

 “Thank you,” I smiled at him still feeling guilty for him having to pay, “but it’s actually Aaron who figured out where she was,” I beamed at Aaron,

 “We still haven’t found her though, we need to go!” Aaron rushed us.

 We walked inside and found the section where the Disney film was playing, we went inside and thankfully, because this movie had been playing for over a week, there was only a few people watching inside, we immediately spotted Violet.

 “Oh thank God!” I cried running up to Violet and giving her a huge hug.

 “What were you thinking going to the movies alone?” Charlie asked furiously.

 “Shhh!” A child sitting nearby said to Charlie, I snickered.

 “Gwen, promised us that on our birthday she’d take us to the movies, I didn’t want to stay at Tommy and Sara’s house so I came here,” Violet said guiltily. I felt bad. If only I had kept my promise, Violet wouldn’t have come alone.

 “You snuck in here?” Charlie asked. It was the only option; Violet didn’t have any money with her.

 “Yes,” Violet said while looking at the ground

 “Cool!” Her twin said. I lightly hit Aaron’s shoulder. Violet grinned at him.

 “I’m going to go call Mrs. Treaty and let her know we found Violet,” Charlie told me, I nodded.

 “Please don’t tell my parents! I don’t want them to be mad at me on my birthday!” Violet pleaded to me,

 I sighed. “This is partly my fault, I’m sorry I didn’t keep my promise but you can’t just leave whenever you want to! Only because it’s your birthday, I’ll tell your parents that we went to go watch a movie to celebrate your birthday and leave this out. I might come to regret it but for now you have to swear that you’ll never go leave without getting permission ever again, understand?”

 “I swear I won’t! Thank you Violet!” Violet grinned and gave me a hug. These kids were precious I thought to myself

 “Can we stay and watch?” Aaron asked just as Charlie came over.

 “Well Charlie generously paid for our tickets, so I think we owe it to him to stay.” I grinned.

 To be honest, it was a great movie.

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