Chapter 17

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C H A P T E R  17

 After the parents had arrived and wished the children a happy birthday, the kids went back into their bedroom. I kept my word and neither Charlie of me explained what had happened with Violet today. We didn’t want to cause any problems between the family especially on the kids’ birthdays. After I had said goodbye to Charlie who had offered to drive me home, I stayed back, wanting to talk to the parents about something. I waited around playing with the kids until I decided I needed to be alone to sort through some things. I went into the living room to think.

 “You alright dear? You seem puzzled,” Valerie sat down beside me.

 “I was just curious, why do you pay me to look after your kids when Charlie’s here so often and can look after them himself?”

 “Charlie rarely stays at are house. When he’d come over, even if it was a birthday, he’d only come for an hour or two. If he stays here for more than that it must mean he really likes you,” Valerie winked at me. No way. Charlie couldn’t possible like me. I tried to push that out of my mind when I saw Adam drinking coffee at the kitchen table.

 “Hello Gwen, still here?” He smiled at me when I came over and I sat directly opposite to him at the table.

 “Yes, actually, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.” I asked,

 “Of course! Anything,”

 I took a deep breath and went for it, “Charlie told me about Aaron and his leukemia,” I paused, and Adam nodded, waiting for me to continue, “He also told me about the doctors at St. John’s Hospital incorrectly treating Aaron. I know you guys are happy and grateful to have Aaron be so healthy now, but don’t you think it’s time you went to see a lawyer and maybe, even possibly, sue the hospital?” I asked,

 Adam smiled sadly, “If Charlie explained all that, than he probably told you that we’re in way over our heads in debt. We can’t afford a lawyer, not at this time and probably never.”

 “But,” I took a deep breath, “What if I told you, I could find you a lawyer for free? And they could help you sue the hospital?”

 “Valerie!” Adam yelled.

 “What?” She yelled back,

 “I think you should come downstairs. Right now.” He yelled to her, and smiled. Valerie came downstairs and took a seat next to Adam.

  He nodded in my direction, “Gwen thinks she can find us a lawyer for free to sue St. John’s Hospital for the mistreatment of Aaron back when he was at the hospital.”

 “You can’t be serious,” Valerie’s face froze.

 “I’m 100% serious. You guys have a strong case. Charlie told me everything about Aaron and the badly trained doctors at St. John’s Hospital. I’m going to do everything I can to help you guys,” I said sincerely. “Are you guys aware of any other families who went through the same scenario at St. John’s?” I continued as I took out a piece of paper and a pen out of my purse ready to write down all the information I could.

 “No, we never did talk with any of the other families at the hospital, is that going to affect the case?” Adam asked worriedly,

 “Well it would help if multiple families had gone through what you guys had to go through but I think Aaron’s story will be good enough,” I said while writing some notes, “Do you have the names of the doctors who treated Aaron?”

 “I’ll be right back,” Valerie said. She returned back with a handwritten piece of paper of all the doctors that had treated Aaron. “These ones,” she pointed, “are the ones that mistreated Aaron at St. John’s Hospital. These one,” she pointed to a different section, “are the ones who realized there mistakes and helped Aaron at the Children’s Hospital.”

 “Thank you,” I took the paper from her. This was sickening. Who knows how many children have suffered and died because of the incorrect medications and treatments prescribed by these doctors! I’m going to need some time, but I think I can contact someone and get you a lawyer for free to represent you.” I told them. “Now, I’m going to need a list of every medication Aaron’s taken and the names of every treatment he’s had.

 I looked over the sheets Adam had given me detailing the medical procedures Aaron had gone through. I checked the doses of his medications and their names. I was amazed, Charlie was right most of these weren’t designed to treat leukemia especially in children and the doses of his medications were either too high or too low. This was crazy. The Parks were paying to pay for things that had absolutely no positive affect on their son. I wanted to help them so badly; the only problem was how was this going to work? With most of my ties with Khan Corporation broken, I wasn’t too sure if I’d be able to get them a free lawyer, heck I wasn’t even sure if I was still a lawyer. But these people were like a second family to me. I was going to do everything I could to help them.

 “I really think you guys have a chance of winning this.” I said reviewing the notes I had written.

 “Oh my gosh, I don’t know what to say,” Valerie said amazed. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is the most wonderful news I’ve ever heard, second to finding out about Adam’s bone marrow transplant being a success of course.”

 “Charlie told me you guys are still close with the donor?” I smiled, that was wonderful.

 “Yes, we are. We’ll forever be in her debt.” Adam said and nodded.

 “Can you give me her name? I’d like to contact her and see if she’d have any useful information that could benefit the case,”

 Adam and Valerie both gave each other a look I wasn’t able to decipher and Adam said,

 “Emily Williams,”

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