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"Bring in Presley, Margie." The commander spoke in a firm monotone. "Yes, sir." His assistant was blonde and tall, with her hair pulled into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. She swiftly left the room that had now gone cold.

She returned several minutes later with Presley. "Agent Presley, how good to see you again." The man said. "Good afternoon, sir." Presley spoke with maturity even though she was a mere age of 13. "The time has come," he continued,"you will begin your mission immediately. There is no time to waste, our subject is in danger." "Yes, sir." Said the petite girl. "And Presley, don't forget to keep your mission log." She nodded and left the room, grabbing a pre packed bag and mission tablet from the cart outside.

Now in the teleportation room, she turned the microphone on. "Agent Presley Dage reporting for mission 189." she said firing up the portal. "Date: November 17th, 3034.

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