92- 'Don't Want You'

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Started Typing On - 29/03/2019 (11.44 AM)

Chapter 92- 'Don't Want You'


Jaanvi's Pov:

We sat there in silence. My sobs had died down but the tears were still flowing. Kiaan's, I don't know. I don't have the courage to look him in the eye. He sat there, his tensed back touching the wall with me sitting in front of him. I raised my wet lashes a little to see the redness of his face despairing slowly. His face was a mixture of emotionless but at the same time it held emotions. His lips were in a straight line, giving him a resting annoyed face. His eyes looked so tried as if he hasn't slept for decades. The main thing was, his earthy eyes-the most attractive part of his face-were looking down at his hands. And his hair was all messed up like wind blew by a couple of seconds ago.

"You want to abort the baby because you're scared of dying." I don't know if it was supposed to be a concerned question or a hatful statement. I forced my eyes to look at his face, his eyes still daggering his hands. "You think what happened to your mum would happen to you." By now I was sure it was a statement with full confidence rather than a dull question.

I don't know if it is that. "I don't know." I shrugged a little, letting my shoulders fall. I sighed wiping my tears from the back of my hand, later drying them on my leggings. "It's more about being afraid to see it turn into a criminal o--"

"Stop addressing it as 'it' my baby isn't some object or creature! Does using the word 'baby' hurt you that much?" He sneered, his eyes shooting up at me. I had the urge to look away, his eyes were looked so scary. "You have no right to give my baby the title of 'criminal!' You may be the mother but you aren't behaving like one. You have no right." My heart felt numb for a second.

No. I didn't hate calling my baby mine. "No. I-I just don't want to keep reminding myself because it'll be harder to a-a-abort." I stuttered, looking at my ring.

"Killing. Killing is the word." He corrected me with venom in his voice, sharply slicing me with his gaze. "I'll make sure, and I'm super serious, if you go ahead with this, I'd remind you every damn day of what you did." By now I could understand why he was angry and his actions and tone was justified but his last sentence blew me off.

"You want me to suffer? Suffer until the day I die, Kiaan?" I spat, holding his eyes into mine.

"Yes." He replied curtly. "Because you're doing that right now! Why would you? Why? Why me out of everyone?" His back wasn't touching the wall now. Kiaan moved his body forward, bring his murderous face closer to mine. "Why are you such a coward Jaanvi?"

I looked away, offended. He was right though. I know he was but that doesn't change how I feel about anything. I've still got this big hole in my head with negative thoughts. Too many of them for me to ignore and move on forward with.

"Because you aren't. An idiot doesn't marry another idiot."

"I'm tired." His voice sounded defeating. "I accept." I tilted my face towards him, looking at is inches away face dropping in sadness and hopeless. "It's not you wanting to abort that's pissing me off. I-it is actually but the situation is. You're not thinking straight. You're not the old Jaanvi. I'm sure if you were you'd be thrilled, probably jumping around the house." His lips transformed from a thin line to a curvy smile. A faint smooth smile.

"Talking to that flower or dancing around and writing it all down in your notebook like you always do. Maybe if you were fine we would be eating lots of cake right now, you finishing it all while I watch and smile. And then I could boss you around. Telling you to stop stressing about little things, scolding you for wearing shorts in winter and make you eat all the things you hate. I always imagined you starting to eat chicken even though you hate eating animals but pregnancy cravings can be weird. And then I'd record you eating and show it to you after our baby's birth, just to humiliate you for breaking your own rule."

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