22- Rejections Hurt

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Typed On - 08/11/2018 - Finished typing on – 10/11/2018

Chapter 22- Rejections Hurt

Jaanvi scrutinises him with her dark eyes under the harsh white light above them. She takes another step back, awkwardly smiling because she nearly trips again and his arm stretches to help. Clumsy. "I'm fi—fine." She lifts her arms to sound convincing.

She's not afraid but not familiar with the person too. His face seems friendly and sociable but Jaanvi knows better than to fall for someone looks. I mean, come on. Nobody would predict in their wildest dream Kiaan's a jerk but he is.

She has seen him somewhere, but where, is the question. "Y-You are?" She inquires and a flick of hurt and bruised expression crosses his spotless caramel coloured face.

"Okay, now I'm deeply hurt dead bird." He's too scrupulous and has this entertaining voice. Jaanvi's eyes go wide. Her eyeshadow full-on display and perfectly pencilled dark brows raise at the statement. Did he just call me a dead bird? "I'm Aarav, by the way. Kiaan's best friend."

If she wasn't so shell-shocked and paralyzed with a zipped mouth she would have given him a taste of his own medicine for mocking her or playing around. Who talks to their mate's wife like this?

Noticing her deadpan silence he asks, "What are you doing here Bhabhi? Where's Kiaan?" Aarav's eyes linger around the house, scanning to find his newly married friend somewhere. (Sister-in-law)

Does that mean it was a dream?

"I do—don't know." She mumbles, eyes on her lehenga in shame. She bites her tongue, I shouldn't have said that. Jaanvi doesn't hear his manly voice again so she looks up. He's gazing at her—almost questioning himself about something that's bothering him by the creased lines in his forehead—all quiet.

As if something drowns within them. Realization. A wave of thunder washes over Aarav and he takes a step back. Aghast. Having a hard time believing where Kiaan must be. His eyes—his face—are like an open book. Jaanvi is in undeniable that Aarav knows where her husband is.

"Aarav?" She calls out softly. Her voice is not as fruity as it always is. It's borderline terrified and down. Dull. As if no life goals ahead of her. Her call brings him back to reality. He shakes his head—telling himself he's wrong—"Are you okay?"

"Y—yeah." He mutters momentarily covering his expressions to a much calm and soothing one. "G—go sleep. H—he'll be back soon. A-after all he's your husband." He smiles, gesturing her to go. Something about his smile puts her off. It's—sympathetic. Expressing nothing but pity.

"By law." She whispers sensibly. Loud enough for him to hear it and bows his head down in penitence. Without exchanging another word she walks into his bedroom and closes the door shut with a slam. She trips on her steps—legs wobbly—and falls on her knees.

It was all a dream.

She decides to recall it all.

She waits for him too but he doesn't show up. Still on her knees, she gives up and sits on the floor, hugging her body. Precisely an hour has passed but Kiaan hasn't stepped inside the bedroom.

She's not happy. She's not sad. She's in-between and that's a deadly combination. Pulling her tired body up, Jaanvi drags herself to the bed. Laying in her side—any side—she reminds herself, "It was really a dream."

She releases a breath in relief. A hard big blow of relaxation. Somewhere deep inside her heart, she knew Kiaan would never force her or behave like a goon. Cheap. He can be immature, this much she's sure of, but he's been raised well.

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