him and I

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Ouma held the door open for me as I walked in then closed it behind him. I looked around. The house was quiet. "My room is just over here." I followed him into his room and placed my stuff beside the door. He had a lot of manga but his room was clean. Then my eyes made there way to his bed that Ouma was sitting on. "You have a really nice room." Ouma giggled and stood up. "Thanks. I try my best to keep it clean." I was amazed that I was standing in Ouma's room. "Is there anything that you want to do?" I looked back over at him. "No. I fine with anything you want to do." I smiled. He seemed a little bit nervous. I wonder what he's thinking of. "Well in that case. How about... we play some games on my laptop." Ouma seemed to get even more nervous as he sat there. "Sure." Ouma got up and walked to his closest and grabbed a laptop then he placed it on his bed. "Do you want to play in the living room? If you don't want to we can just stay in here." I thought for a second. "I don't care. Where ever you want to play." Ouma muttered something to himself. "Ok let stay in here." I nodded and walked over to Ouma's bed and sat beside him. Ouma turned on his laptop and looked at me. "So you have any game suggestions?" I thought what's a fun game. "Do you know what danganronpa is?" Ouma's mouth widened and turned into a big smile. "Yeah. I'm a big fan of it." Ouma turned to his laptop screen and searched for danganronpa. The game turned on showing the home screen.

* * *

A couple of hours later and we completed two trials together and we were working on the third. Ouma was really into the game as of me I was to busy looking at Ouma's beautiful eyes and smile. "What do you think Saihara?" I quickly snapped out of my Gaze on Ouma. "Sorry I dazed off." Ouma giggled and smiled at me. "That's ok. Anyway who do you think is the killer honestly I think it's Hiyoko. What about you?" I thought. "Yeah Hiyoko seems to be the most likely the killer." Ouma turned to look at the screen. "Well we are about to figure it out." Ouma keeped playing and in no time the trial was over. "Guess we were wrong." Ouma looked at me I could tell that what ever he was thinking made him feel nervous. "Are you ok Ouma?" Pink covered his cheeks and he looked away quickly. "Yeah I'm fine. It's just I umm... Never mind it's nothing." I sat close to Ouma and put my hand on his face to get him to look at me. His face got even pinker. "You can tell me." I could tell that his heart was beating fast. "Ok I'll tell you just please don't think of me any differently." I wondered what he's going to say. "Saihara I think I'm uhh I'm..." All of a sudden Ouma grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled my lips against his. My eyes widened then closed as I kissed back. Ouma pulled away and closed his laptop and put it on the ground. "O-Ouma." I felt my face heat up. "I'm sorry I just well I jus.." I pressed our lip together to shut him up. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me. Ouma kissed back and wrapped his arms around my neck as he sit on my lap. I felt Ouma's mouth open so I stick my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues twist together a couple of times then Ouma pulled away and gasped for air. "What I was going to say was I'm in love with you Shuichi." My heart skip a beat the second he said my name. "O-Ouma. I don't know what to say." I could feel my cheek heat up. "Please call me by my first name." I slid one of my hands down to his thigh. "Kokichi. I'm in love with you too." His face went red. Ouma lend in once again pressing our lips together. Ouma move his waist closer to mine and squeezed his tongue into my mouth. I pulled away and pushed him on his bed so that I could be on top of him. "S-Shuichi." I smiled and sat up but then I was pulled back down by Ouma. "Shuichi do what you want to me." My heart raced but I still smiled. "Anything?" Ouma's face was pink but honestly it was adorable. "Y-yes." I smirked then lend in so that I could kissed his neck. When a little moan came out of Ouma's mouth I know that I found the sweet spot on his neck. His moans got louder as I sucked on his neck. I undid his shirt and kissed his collarbone. My hand made it's way to the zipper on his pants. Then I unzipped his pants and made my way in his pants.

Well this is getting interesting. 😏 anyway thanks for reading and I'm positive that the next chapter is going to have sumt/NSFW so yeah.

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